Sunday, December 23, 2012

wind farm walk with my two cuties

was cloudy this morning and we woke very very early because sadly the sun rises extremely early and our blinds do nothing to block the light. anyway lolled in bed for several more hours which was nice, miski wheedled her way between us for a while - very cute. had a pretty lazy morning and then packed up our little family and fishing gear and went to the wind farm. jose had never been so we showed him the cool, huge turbines and then took him down to the rocky shore to attempt to fish. but it was high tide, not idea. we both got rather soaked but miski had a ball.  many more photos here in the albany wind farm walk album it was a lovely day. after our romp we walked up the insanely steep, and seemingly endless steps back to the car. then went to whale world cafe for fish and chips which we took home and then watched a few movies together. jose did some gardening and i mostly was lazy. so was miski :)  it's been lovely

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone -
    Such a lovely day! Miski is in heaven with
    both her loved ones with her.
