Thursday, December 13, 2012

Awful day

Things have just been go go go lately at work and life. I've been exhausted for weeks and then today just was the last straw. So many things have been going wrong lately. Very busy work day and then went to get my hard drive fixed and grab lunch and was told the drive was totally dead. That's the last four years of photos. No other copies and jose would not let me buy another back up drive. So that was devastating. Then I went to leave and go back to work and then a dental appt and found that someone had walked off with my keys! Seriously? I had to walk home 40 min and then back again with a spare key another 40 min and still no sign of my car keys, clicker, po box key or house keys. So that is just great. And I don't think my work team believed me or realised that I had to miss a meeting for a very very good reason. Anyway just a totally crappy day. although i have to admit it started out ok. had a good night's sleep and jose called me mid morning just to say i love you and you're the best. that was pretty great. so i guess i'm being melodramatic about the problems, it just all feels rather overwhelming at the moment.

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