Saturday, December 15, 2012

doing house chores...miski's attempt at "helping"

finally forced myself to do some much needed house work so jose can come home to a clean home!  i did loads of laundry and aired out all of  miski's bedding and our comforters and pillows.  vacuumed and dusted and did dishes and cleaned out the fridge of weird old food turned science projects. doesn't sound like a lot but it took up a lot of time.  also spent much of the day double backing up what photos we were able to salvage and all the music i currently have on the computer and backed up.  have lost some data but most is still there.  won't be making that mistake again.  i hate backup issues.  anyway miski thought i was putting her bed in the sun just for her so she plopped right down and stayed there most of the afternoon. cutie. we're both eagerly awaiting jose's arrival next thursday. yay!

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