Friday, June 5, 2015

Starting to try to crawl

Ryan had a physio appt yesterday because he's still not rolling. Stubborn little man. She went through all of his movements and he's doing so well in all areas except he refuses to roll. He can sit for ages and play with two toys at a time and rotate and transfer toys. He pushes all the way up on his tummy and even pushed up onto his knees! He needed a little help to get his knees under him but he is well on his way to being mobile which is what he wants most in life at the moment - other than eating everything we do. He goes crazy when he sees us eating something. It's funny. He certainly has the strength to roll but resists it for some reason. So we will keep working on it. He was really vocal during the session too for some reason. I think he was showing off. He kept cooing and babbling and grumbling too when the Physio tried to roll him. It was hilarious.

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