Wednesday, June 3, 2015

30 weeks

My funny bunny is now 30 weeks old and more amazingly he is turning 7 months tomorrow. I really can't believe how fast time is flying and how quickly he is growing and changing. Every day he does something new. And is bigger or longer! I can hardly recall what he was like when he was tiny or even the fact that he ever was tiny. He has tons of attitude and personality. He makes his wants known loud and clear!! Here are a few of his latest antics. He's taken to ripping his bibs off. He can reach back and grab the end of his bib and pull up on the velcro and get it off. He is also trying to get out of his high chair these days too and almost making it. I heard a clear dada today - obviously not in relation to jose but that was the first two syllable CVCV utterance i've heard. the rest are all VCV (ada, aha, ogoo, utuh, etc).  He also made the bolded sound like in measure which is pretty amazing. Probably just an accident but cool anyway.  He searches for his spoons and toys when they fall off his high chair. He grizzles and grumbles at me when he doesn't get his way, i don't feed him fast enough, he wants my food, he wants out of the crib, he wants me to come play with him, he's bored, etc.  He looks from pictures of miski to the real miski. He looks at me and jose in pics and back at us.  He also now can play ball! I put him on his tummy and he "rolled" the ball over to me and I rolled it back. He kept dropping it and it rolled across the floor to me. we did that over and over again. He loved it!  Anyway mr personality is getting very very active and wiggly and cuter every day. 

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