Friday, May 29, 2015

Trying to crawl and piano man

On Thursday Ryan woke up very happy after a pretty great nights sleep. He had a huge dinner and then went without a feed again but had an hour and a half waking where he needed help to get back to sleep without a tummy full of milk. After a big brekkie he played with the other kids there. I popped him over my leg and he immediately started to push up on his hands and feet with his tushy in the air. It was so cute. He had almost no weight on my leg really.  He was rocking back and forth and trying so hard to walk. Adorable. He then banged away on the crocodile xylophone and had a blast. Mr personality!! Naps are still a mystery but he's just too clever and can't turn his busy brain off. That's what the nurses say :) he was a big hit there. 

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