Friday, February 7, 2014

Lunch at chicha

Another work week gone! Friday night I went out with some work mates for drinks which was fun. Jose and I were so tired that we slept in verrrrrrrry late today which was delicious but means we missed the farmers market. We got some plants for the last section of garden we are redoing and then grabbed a huge lunch at chicha, a South American street food joint in town. It's owned by a Peruvian and has the best burgers in australia I've had so far. Yum. Nanna nap for me and jose has to work :(


  1. Hi Nicole and Jose,
    I'm surprised to to hear you have a Peruvian restaurant and
    another actual Peruvian person there in Albany - such a little out of the
    way town. That must be exciting for Jose! The food looks delicious
    but your tomato salad an steak/lamb grill looks even better!

  2. I know it's pretty amazing! We love eating there. You'll have to come with us when you visit!
