Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Vegas baby 2

Stopped in Vegas on the way back from the Grand Canyon. Jose loves it so we decided to stay 2 nights here. Had great burgers and beer at the burger bar and an icy experience at the minus 5 bar.

Grand Canyon

Went to the Grand Canyon yesterday (north rim). Will post pics later. It was beautiful, as expected. Stayed at Jacob lake inn and had awesome pulled pork and beef sandwiches. Yum!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013


We made it! Been in four states today (California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah). After Vegas we drove on through some pretty spectacular scenery. It was so hot today-up to 114 at one point. Our hotel the novel house is amazing. It's beautiful and cool and friendly. Tomorrow we start hiking!!!

Vegas baby

Left big bear around 8 and got to Vegas at 11 and have wandered around the strip a bit. Jose loves it of course. Now we're eating at the Hard Rock Cafe. Then off to Zion :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Big bear

We left today on our Zion / Grand Canyon trip and stopped in big bear to spend the night at Raymond's house. So nice of him to put us up. Got here around noon and had pizza with him. Then I took an epic nap. We went to eat dinner at cowboy express. It was good but man am I full! It's been lovely up here. Tomorrow we leave bright and early for Zion. Yay!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hiking paseo miramar again

Felt like poo most of yesterday for some reason and today I woke up sick. Decided to hike paseo miramar to sweat out the yuck and it was great and gorgeous and fun until I twisted my ankle again!!! I feel like such an idiot. Oh well. The hike was nice anyway.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Five spice pork & choc chip cookies

Mmmmmm!!! Jose BBQ'd a pork tenderloin with the five spice mix again. So yummy :) we also had great mojitos with dinner. Then we needed something sweet so we whipped up some chocolate chip cookies. Very decadent. We also booked a trip to Zion and the Grand Canyon and we leave Thursday. Yay!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Wheeee! Today we met David at the thrift shop by his place and went to town. Got so much great stuff! So fun to see David so much. Then we went to Ross and saw these crazy huge size 20 shoes.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

paseo miramar hike

so saturday david and melissa came over and jose, melissa and i went hiking on the paseo miramar trail which somehow i didn't know about even though it's right by my mom's house. crazy! anyway it is almost 6 miles round trip and is definitely a good, tiring hike.  we saw a snake too! 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oh my god the best steak ever!!!

Today we got up late...getting to be a thing with me now. Then we went window shopping at the nice baby stores on Montana. Sigh. Ate at Rosti and then saw the movie turbo. So cute! Then we met my bro and Melissa for dinner at the Marriott and oh my god their fillet miñon is the best ever. Followed up with brownies and ice cream with hot fudge and I was in heaven!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Yay cusqueña

Jose really enjoyed having a cusqueña after three years! Very exciting. They definitely don't sell them in albany. What's funny is that we got 3 six packs at bev mo and just 20 minutes later, without knowing, my mom bought 3 six packs to surprise us! Crazy.

BBQ and cliff walk

Last night we had the most amazing BBQ ribs and gisela, a family friend, came over to join us. It was amazing!!! Today we got a lot of business done which is good. We also found some cusqueña beer :) then we went on the cliff walk around my neighbourhood. Too bad we can't afford a house here!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Patrick's road house grub

After dinner last night I met David and Melissa at pearl dragon to hang out with them while they ate dinner and them went to the pali meeting with them too. So good to see them! Woke up late again today and am feeling slothful so we went to Patrick's road house for brekkie. I got a Belgian waffle and jose had the governator special - so good! Not sure if jose was into it but he ate it l :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Amazing 5 spice pork BBQ

Wow. We had the most killer dinner tonight! Used the 5 spice rub we got at the spice shop in silver lake and put it on a pork tenderloin and grilled it and some zucchini on the BBQ. Had it with a light salad and baked red potatoes with butter and our new Cyprus black lava salt on top. And our favourite quatro montgras wine. Unbelievable!

Loop walk

It's a very nice day so we took a walk in our cute five finger shoes. Met some fluffy dogs along the way and enjoyed the ocean view of course. I wore my awesome new squirrel hat. Love it!

Venice beach

Took jose to Venice beach today to have another California cultural experience. It was fun being back there. We got some cute signs, a super cute hat, some sunnies of course and a t shirt. Beautiful day

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Brunch in silver lake

Yay! We went to silver lake today to visit Jaime and Will. Met them at a place called Home and had an amazing brunch there. Took forever to get there tho because there was a grass fire at Elysian park and they shut down the 5 and a bunch of side streets for some reason. Anyway great brunch and then we went to their place and met their super cute dog chicken! She is sooooo ridiculously adorable!!! I am going to steal her :) their place is amazing too. Then had pink berry and saw downtown silver lake which is really cute too. So fun! more photos here