Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tree trimming!

Well finally had to bite the bullet and admit that we could never tackle these trees alone. Got a guy in who was lovely and came with his wife and they knew all our neighbours. We cut a few trees down completely and trimmed all the others way way back. Then got the mulch from the trees! We have way more sunlight now. The trees were so overgrown it was way overdue. Also he cleaned our gutters and put in a new down pipe so I feel like the house is going to be nice and safe while we are gone. Took Miski to the beach and got some native plants to put in the front garden and then we will mulch it before we go. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. At least those trees are finally trimmed, especially the ones near the house since they also contribute to the stuff that's piled on the gutter. It's a good thing you've found someone reliable to do it and also clean the gutters for you. Regular gutter cleaning is important.

    AJC Roofing
