Monday, May 27, 2013

Dresser done and yard work

Well another big day on Sunday. We got up early and fixed the back fence where the trees used to be and now allowed gaps for Miski to escape through. Cleaned up the yard a bit and then I started weeding the garden. Took me most of the day to get half the front garden weeded and some new native and water wise South African plants in place. Looks so naked! Then I painted the dresser again so I think it's ready to come in once it's dried! I also did laundry and cleaned up around the house too. I am sooooo tired but very happy with the progress we've made. We have so much more sunlight and space in the yard. Less privacy but I prefer the sun and space. We have more projects to do of course but those can wait. I put in many varieties of protea flowers. Look them up, they are amazing. I'll take pics this week of the plants once we mulch. Also finished the dresser. Now just need the hardware!!!

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