Thursday, April 21, 2011

flight to perth

woke up lazily on thursday and had a walk on cable beach, which was gorgeous. then ate a lovely breakfast at ra ra's.  it was jose's first time there, my fourth. he got the mexican omelette and i had eggs bene. so yum!  he also got a milkshake, which was fantastic. then we went to the tiny airport and got on our 2 1/2 hour flight to perth.  uneventful and rather nice.  we had a beautiful view of broome as we departed.  got into perth and emmett picked us up which was so nice! we went to his brothers house where we were to stay. lovely place and his family is great!  we went out to a place called the flipside and the stanley in wembley. it's a great burger joint next to a pub.  we had great beer (white rabbit and some belgium stuff) and to die for burgers. heaven!  slept like a log. more photos here Perth 2011

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