Wednesday, April 27, 2011

back in broome, on the way to derby

said goodbye to perth and emmett today. he leaves for europe on sunday on a great adventure! we will miss him! it rained very hard this morning and our ride was rather bumpy to broome, but otherwise uneventful.  got into broome and went for lunch at kool spot. i loved my moroccan salad and jose enjoyed his chicken burger.  drove up to derby and picked up poor little lonely miski. poor thing growled at me when i first got to where she was boarded. she didn't recognize me, which makes me nervous about what happened there.  as soon as she smelled me she went into a fit of excitement.  we took her to the oval for a romp and then gave her the cookies we got her. she is now sleeping peacfully on her soft bed with a full belly and a happy heart.  and yes i am obsessed.  i miss perth and the end of the vacation but i am happy to be home again.  all our perth trip photos here.

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