Thursday, February 24, 2011

jetty walks

well it's officially the wet season here. most days we have rain in the afternoons and big storms at night.  this, plus the cyclones, plus the king tide schedules has flooded the marsh across from us. makes for beautiful and interesting walks. miski has really been enjoying this and on our last jetty walk miski finally started playing in the water! big step for her because she's been really afraid of the water until now. i know i am an obsessed puppy mum but she is so cute! she waits for her food until i tell her ok and then she'll go get it. now i just need to get her to come when i call her on the marsh. anyway i've destroyed my sandals and my feet are stained red now....seemingly for good.  we've had to say goodbye to two sets of really good friends this week which is incredibly sad. luckily we still have lots more friends in town! only one month until Sarah comes to visit us too! i can't wait!  See the Derby 2011 album for more photos

1 comment:

  1. Hi there - I loved the pictures, especially the little and big footprints in the mud. I see a card idea in that! Miski looks quite grown up, and I see the water levels are really up!
    Love from home, Mom
