Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gibb River Road flight to Mt Barnett!

Yay! my very first RFDS (royal flying doctors service) flight up the gibb river road. we went to mt barnett (kupingarri) to see the kids in a remote school there. The trip was amazing and though i am scared of flying i managed well. we first got to the derby airport (pull up, open the sliding garage door and there you are...hilarious) and saw a beautiful RFDS plane.  Not for us sadly, that one is the air ambulance. got a pic though; check it out in the GRR Album. walked outside and saw the teeniest plane i've ever seen. yep that's the one we're on...8 seater. sweet. a few bumps on the flight but otherwise it was so breathtakingly beautiful that i didn't notice for long. on the way home it rained a lot and that was also spectacular. long day but very exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole -
    What an exciting adventure! The river and landscape looks beautiful from the air.
