Friday, December 17, 2010

homemade blue cheese burgers!

so we all decided we needed a feed here this weekend. after jose and i madly cleaned our place today we all headed out to woolies for groceries. we picked up a heap of food and started making lunch. i decided to try my hand at homemade burgers. after a quick call home for some burger making tips, i ultimately made mine with oregano, rosemary, salt, pepper, paprika, diced onion, diced bell pepper and then stuffed the patties with aged blue cheese. yum. Grilled those up on the stove while we boiled some sweet corn and cut up an easy asian salad with mint and toasted some turkish bread for the burgers. we put lettuce, tomato, grilled onion and mushrooms, pineapple, and sauces on top. it was HEAVEN! totally made me feel like i was home again. been missing a good burger here.  after we were all in food coma heaven. it kept raining on and off all day and was so lovely outside jose and i took miski for a little walk by the marsh.  it was absolutely gorgeous, with fresh cool air and cool sprinkles. at one point i felt a bit cold which was very welcome...i'd forgotten what that felt like!

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