Saturday, December 25, 2010

Derby Christmas

merry christmas from derby! what a different christmas this has been for us. new country, new friends, new weather, no christmas tree, etc.  but it's been great anyway! yesterday we had a lovely lazy day together with the puppy. i made sweet potato casserole to bring to the orphan xmas party we were going to later on. thought a taste of an american dish would be kind of fun.  went to the christmas party and had lots and lots of food, drinks, and laughter.  my dish was a hit! we even had turkey and salad so it was almost like a late thanksgiving. but it was SO hot last night we were pouring sweat, which was rather unpleasant. not even a bit of a breeze.  zonked out early and woke up to have christmas with the little pup.  gave her a very special christmas breakfast cake, opened her presents and stocking with her and then jose and i exchanged gifts/cards and had a huge xmas breakfast together.  now we are going to snooze the afternoon away. to all those back home...merry christmas eve to you all.
love from nicole, jose and miski (woof!)

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