Saturday, October 30, 2010

dinner, halloween, hikes about town and roo's

we've had quite a first week in derby!  place is still great, so are the people - super friendly. we went to a co-workers place for a great dinner (8 of us), then the next night played beach volleyball (which i suck at), then we had a big dinner at jila's cafe with work friends (great pizza and we tried kangaroo! yummy). Then last night we got dressed up as vampires and went to the local halloween party which turned out to be super fun. All the hospital staff and friends were there in great costumes with good drinks and finger food. we have a lovely neighbor who took me out this morning very early in search of kangaroos in the wild!  We saw tons of them on our walk but they are too fast to photograph.  i will try another time.  then i decided to stay home and make cake instead of doing anything social.  so far so good here...our derby album has been updated with more photos - see album link in sidebar for those.

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