Thursday, October 21, 2010

Broome, new job, 100 degree weather, and more!

it's been a bit since we wrote last...i've been super busy getting oriented to my new and intense job in the kimberley.   Everyone here is great, super fun, nice and easy to collaborate with.  The weather here is really hot, almost 100 degrees most days, and now it's almost wet season so it'll get even hotter!  The food here has been really yummy (expensive though) and the local brewery is fantastic.  The beaches are so blue, clear, warm and fun to swim in. Luckily it is safe to swim here (until november when the jellies come out) and we are getting our fill before heading to Derby today where we can't go in the water at all because of the crocs. I drove on the left side of the road yesterday which felt super weird.  to my delight they even have a target here which i fully intend to check out today!  can't wait to see our new digs in Derby this evening. 


  1. Beautiful pictures. Glad to hear you are both enjoying Western Australia and haven't melted yet!
    Watch out for those crocodiles in Derby!
    Love, Mom

  2. Loved the pictures. What a wonderful adventure for the two of you. Have fun! -Juliana-
