Thursday, October 22, 2015


Don't have a pic for today's updates either so I thought I'd post this old one from last week. My little lounge lizard has started smooching his toys and books!! His most favourite thing to kiss at the moment are the babies in his baby ways book. He kisses each baby on each page and then kisses himself in the mirror at the end. It is SO cute! And tonight at bath time be was so giggly and happy, playing games with me and banging toys together. Asking for songs and for me to put things on my head. Then at the end, post massage and pjs he put out his hand for me to wash clean of the oil I use! First time he's ever done that! He knows the routine and knows hand washing comes last. It was so amazing :) today he also had a PT eval via regional center with a lovely lady. He adored her and she's going to help him strengthen his right side a bit which is nice. All milestones on track!

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