Tuesday, October 13, 2015

First visit to the dentist!

My adorable little snot bucket had his first ever dental check up today at Kensington Pediatric dentistry. They sure know how to cater to little ones! He made a beeline for the gigantic aquarium in the waiting room. He was mesmerised! Then in the little dental office he got to sit on a giant fluffy doggy and play with super fun toys. The check up itself didn't take long and was very positive! Nice to know his 7 teeth are good and healthy. I got a used bike today too so we can start taking baby for bike rides through balboa park! 


  1. Wow he is tiny. I am glad you had such a positive experience there. With my first 2 children, we could not find a good dentist and then finally with my third, we found the perfect lady who we have been with every since. My kids are all teenagers now but I convinced her to keep seeing them all there.

    Joanna @ Westheimer Dentist

  2. I think those first visits to the dentist are always life changing. As an adult I hate going to the dentist and I think this stemmed from the struggles I had with the dentist as a child. Oh, how I wish these visits were alot easier to get over with!

    Quinn Kimbrough @ Top Temecula Dentist
