Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My baby boy is ONE!!!

How did this happen? One moment he's a tiny newborn mewing for milk and I blink and he's a toddler demanding independence! Longest nights and shortest months ever. Ryan turned one today (though really a bit earlier bc he was born in australia) and it's also my birthday of sorts too! My birthday of becoming a mommy! What a year it's been. We've had so many firsts together and today he even took his very first tiny steps! So exciting! Happy birthday Ryan. You've expanded my heart to dimensions I never knew possible and shown me how wondrous the world is again. I love you and you'll always be my little baby.

Swim with dad

Had a makeup swim class and dad went into the water this time. Nice for him and mommy got a break and got to chat with another mom! Her son doesn't sleep either. At least we are not the only ones! He loved his swim class and giggles the whole time and had no trouble with submersions. I'm so proud of him.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday swim and the park

It was a beautiful day today. And boy did it ever start early for us! Time changed back last night so we should have had an extra hour. Hahahahha. Ryan slept very well but woke at 4 (really 5 by old clock) and never really went back to sleep again. Despite that he had excellent naps today and had a blast at his new swim class. We weren't happy at the other place and this new one is great. He's super advanced in his swim skills and was laughing and showing off the whole time. He did submersion and went on his back easily today. He keeps his eyes open under water too which is rare apparently for a baby. Wonder why he does that. He loves his teacher too which is most important. He got off his rocking horse almost all by himself today which was pretty amazing. And two days ago he put his shape blocks into their specific holes all by himself!! Wow!! This afternoon we took him to the park for a romp but he was feeling sedate. We played peekaboo around the trees which he adored and watched dogs chase squirrels.

My funny bunny

Here's Ryan at the store nibbling his toes. Must have been super hungry! He's such a good eater. He loves broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato, any veggie really, chicken and beef and fish. He eats it all! If he doesn't have pants on outside he crab walks on his feet and hands instead. He's so funny. He sings along with me now at dinner! If I sing the little mermaid song where she is just saying ah ah ah with no words he does the same! Its hilarious. He loves music so much and asks for it often. It also calms him when he is upset.

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Ryan's first Halloween!

Ryan's had his very first Halloween ever! It was a rough night the night before but not to be deterred we still took Ryan to the balboa park Halloween family fair! He isn't dressed up here bc it was SO hot but he wore his dragon suit for a moment later on. Grandma and auntie Sarah joined us which was so lovely. When we got there the merry go round was going!!! I love that one so we went on first thing. Ryan and I rode a zebra. Grandma rode a zebra too and daddy rode a horse. It was SO fun but man did it go fast. Thank god I was strapped in. After that we walked down the main drag and picked up freebies at all the booths. There were so many religious booths which I found odd and out of place. But there was an atheism booth which was pretty funny. The zoo had one too and they even brought animals! We saw a hedgehog and a huge stick insect. No time for museums today but Ryan and I took a photo together in funny hats and we ate in the shade in the grass. It was a nice outing. He didn't have a second nap that day so we went to the grocery store later and read a lot of books together. When I changed his diaper and said here is your lion (toy) he roared! He knows his animals for sure. And he loves to boogie on down to some good tunes. He has the best personality and laughs and smiles all the time now. He initiates games and other activities and loves to be chased and play hide and seek and peekaboo :) he also asks for kisses now! And asks daddy and I to kiss each other. Then he laughs!

Biking with dad

Grandma came down Wednesday thank goodness and on Friday she and I went to do a few errands while Ryan and daddy went for a bike ride. He was smiling and gigging. So cute! He was showing off for grandma for sure too. Lots of doe eyes looks and flirtatious glances and showing off of standing skills. He's also now able to go down the stairs with minimal guidance which is amazing. And he's saying lots and lots of mamamama!! Music to my ears. And dadadada and babababa. He definitely has a few more words and his comprehension is incredible. He can follow simple one step commands easily now!