Thursday, April 23, 2015

24 weeks of amazing

Here Ryan is posing in his adorable green triceratops shirt (I want one) and fleece pantaloons for his 24 week picture. He has had a massive week developmentally. He's now able to sit up on his own for a few seconds and can prop on his hands too. He can grab a toy when sitting and shake it or put it in his mouth. He can push up off his elbows during tummy time and is trying so hard to roll. He's just too heavy! He picked up a toy rattle today using a pincer grasp!!! I was blown away. He's also now babbling with b, d, m, and g sounds along with lots of vowels. B seems to be his preferred sound at the moment. He also loves to play with his tongue, click his lips and tongue and blow raspberries. He's a very busy bee. He demands more food now with vocalisations and an open mouth and reaches hands up to be picked up. He now also soothes himself to sleep by stroking his hair. It's so cute. Such a clever boy!

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