Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stroller nap

Ryan's had a bit of a tough week this week. He's been learning all kinds of new things and working hard on his fine and gross motor and babbling up a storm. So his sleep has been a but disturbed. Also I'm pretty sure he's teething but he doesn't cry - he's the strong silent type it seems. He's been up well before the sparrows for days now (until last night) and so has been tired during the day naturally. Anyway he fell asleep in his stroller on our ritual before bedtime walk for the first time ever! It was amazing to see his little eyelids flutter and shut and hear him sigh with contentment.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

25 weeks!

Today Ryan turned 25 weeks old. Amazing. Next Monday he'll be 6 months which is nuts! How did that happen? We had another outdoor naked time session this afternoon and Ryan loved it again. He patted and grabbed at the grass and cooed at the birds in the trees. He giggled when Miski came over to lick his hands and feet. Then we had a nice long walk before bedtime. It was a really lovely day.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Sitting unaided!

Today was absolutely beautiful so Ryan and I went to the side yard and sat in a lovely patch of shady grass. He loved it and cooed up a storm while doing tummy time. He loves to look at and touch leaves and grass. Then I sat him up to see how he'd do and he sat unaided for over 15 minutes! I was so impressed.

Belly time

We are working on getting more belly time in every day and Ryan is getting super good at it now. I now get down there with him and we read books together while he gets his exercise. He loves it. Miski joined in the fun today and we all were in the same position. Pretty funny.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Anzac weekend

Sunday we did some housework and went out for Chinese food. Ryan really enjoyed the experience. He loves new things. He also absolutely is besotted with jose. He adores him. And loves to sit on his shoulders :) it's very cute. When he's had enough fun and giggles then he looks for mommy and reaches his arms out and gives me a great big hug! It's the best ever. He's also mr chatty these days. Adding new sounds all the time.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Ryan's first Anzac Day

Today is Anzac Day and is Ryan's first one ever. It was also his first parade! We headed down to York street to watch the parade and see the markets. He really enjoyed the parade and the bands and loved being on daddy's shoulders. I told him his great great great grandad was in WW1. 

Swiping and grabbing

Our little gremlin has now taken to swiping and grabbing at our food and drinks. He tries to get them right into his mouth and will open his mouth wide, spread his arms out and loudly coo in order to let us know that yes that is what I want! Gimme! It is so cute. Since he knows how to drink from a cup already he also wants anything and everything we drink. He's so advanced and loves to explore!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

24 weeks of amazing

Here Ryan is posing in his adorable green triceratops shirt (I want one) and fleece pantaloons for his 24 week picture. He has had a massive week developmentally. He's now able to sit up on his own for a few seconds and can prop on his hands too. He can grab a toy when sitting and shake it or put it in his mouth. He can push up off his elbows during tummy time and is trying so hard to roll. He's just too heavy! He picked up a toy rattle today using a pincer grasp!!! I was blown away. He's also now babbling with b, d, m, and g sounds along with lots of vowels. B seems to be his preferred sound at the moment. He also loves to play with his tongue, click his lips and tongue and blow raspberries. He's a very busy bee. He demands more food now with vocalisations and an open mouth and reaches hands up to be picked up. He now also soothes himself to sleep by stroking his hair. It's so cute. Such a clever boy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sitting up and stealing the show

Ryan came with me to my last circle of security course and stole the show. He was relaxed and happy. He looked at everyone and smiled, cooed, blew raspberries, played with his feet, and even giggled. He also enjoyed sitting propped up and playing with his toes. He's such a cutie. Everyone noticed how much happier and active he is now that he's sleeping. Such a lovely thing to hear. Another mom also told me that I'm a great mom and that I'm the kind of mom that she wants to be. What an amazing compliment and incredible what other people see when you feel so different (and often inadequate) inside.

Monday, April 20, 2015

24 weeks and banana

Last week Ryan was 23 weeks and today he is 24! Wow. Today he tried banana for the first time and he wasn't sure about it at first but after a few tastes he really enjoyed it and asked for more :) but cereal is still his favourite. He's so cute these days, chatty and lots of giggles.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Swing fun

It's been a mellow couple of days lately and not mix to report. Today we did some housework, cooking and shopping and played with Ryan of course. He loves the swing chair outside!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Peruvian poncho

It's been super cold at night and in the mornings here lately. So this morning we put on Ryan's new leggings and his cute little Peruvian poncho! He looked adorable of course. He's getting so interactive and is such a happy calm baby :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I made Ryan puréed local organic Bartlett pears today and finally found something he likes besides avocado and cereal! He really enjoyed this one and I have to say I did too :) eating has become a bit challenging lately because he insists on holding his own spoon or he cries and he's not quite dexterous enough to make the spoon go into his mouth with the food on it yet :) it's very cute. Maybe we'll try strawberries next! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Playing ball

Ryan is loving his new plastic balls that we got him! He is now able to pick them up with both hands and turn them around to look at them and shake them and rattle the insides around. He even picked one up using just one hand and brought it to his mouth! It's so cute! He also put his arms up while lying on his back to ask to be picked up. It was amazing.


Yesterday Ryan tried applesauce for the first time and it was his first fruit ever too! I made it from scratch using locally grown organic golden delicious apples. I peeled, cored, chopped, steamed and mashed them. It was so yummy! I liked it anyway. Ryan wasn't convinced but today he seems to be ok with it. Still loves cereal more but apples are growing on him I think :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

22 weeks

Last week Ryan turned 22 weeks! I'm just a bit behind on posting these days :) he's been in a sunny mood lately now that we are all getting a lot lore sleep. Thank goodness!!! Also his cold is finally going away which helps a lot too. He's not too sure how he feels about pumpkin but he gobbles up his cereal like it's going out of style. He loves playing stand up sit down and needs very little help to do that. He loves to bang cups on the table and chew on everything. Such a sunny creature. Today we will try applesauce that I made from scratch!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Daddy the horse

Ryan loves to ride daddy like a horse. He's getting so good at sitting up with very little support these days. He also loves watching us blow bubbles and watching Miski chase them all over the yard! It's been raining cats and dogs here so we've been stuck inside. At least we've found some fun activities for both Ryan and doggy. 

I found my feet...

And other ruminations by Ryan. Two days ago Ryan found his feet! So cute. He rolls over while doing this but not all the way to his tummy. Likely because he hates being on his tummy. He's also begun to bang cups on his high chair tray, drop anything and everything on the floor and grumble when hungry. He can stand and sit with minimal support from us and knows the words to cue this too which is pretty amazing.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Easter and sweet potato

It's easter! Didn't do anything special really. We will do that next year. Went to the boat shed markets for organic meat and some sweet treats. Also Ryan tried sweet potato today!! He acted like it was old hat and he'd been eating it his whole life. So cute.

5 months!!

Leapin lizards Ryan is five months old today!! Wow. We had a chill Saturday at home and did a few errands too. Ryan attacked his cereal today with gusto and ate 3-4 tsp in one sitting even! He grabs the bowl and spoon and tries to feed himself. He also grabs his sippy cup too. Pretty amazing.

Friday, April 3, 2015

21 weeks

Ryan turned 21 weeks this week and turns 5 months tomorrow! Woah! He's getting so grown up looking and acting. His movements are very fluid and purposeful. He grabs everything and sticks it in his mouth. He's happy most of the time and loves new things. We went out for lunch today (good Friday) at one of the very few open places and Ryan had a lovely time munching on napkins. Happy easter everyone.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Not the best pic but the best I could do with a wiggly little monkey. Today Ryan found his thumb! He's been sticking it in his mouth all morning which has been fun to watch. He's also taken to dropping toys off his high chair, rubbing his feet together and cooing himself to sleep. Very very cute.


Ryan slept in late yesterday which was lovely and then proceeded to have little short naps instead. It meant that I could go to the mums group that morning tho which was nice. I met them at three anchors for a muffin and chat. It's been very chilly at night and in the morning so I bundled baby up and put him in w Peruvian beanie. He looked so cute and just like a tiny inca. Later we had some avocado again which he loved. I'm sure by tomorrow he'll be bored of that again though and we will have to start something new.