Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New tricks

Since Ryan loves to sit I propped him up and we sang songs together. He's doing a new thing today too. He's sucking in his upper lip over and over and it makes a little popping or smacking noise. Very cute. He's chatting a lot today too and saying the eh sound more. Also sighs and grumbles. I took him to my circle of security class today and tried to put him in the free daycare but when a very nice lady picked him up he cried inconsolably for 10 min. Even after I took him back. So he sat in my lap like a big kid during the class. At least I know he likes me! He's also blowing raspberries a lot. I started milk again yesterday after over a month of no dairy. Hopefully he'll tolerate it because I sure miss cheese!! Poor Miski ripped her toenail almost totally off and had to have it removed under anaesthesia today. It's been a rather full day!!

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