Monday, March 30, 2015


Ryan's high chair arrived today so we tried some yummy avocado since he's already bored with rice cereal. He was so happy to sit up and got super excited about trying something new to eat. He grabbed at it and opened his mouth really wide for each bite! He likes to grab the spoon and try to shove it into his mouth and then gets super excited about his sippy cup with water. So much fun!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

20 weeks

My little monkey turned 20 weeks last week and this Saturday he'll be 5 months!! I can't believe it. Ngala was amazing and he's sleeping so much better now. It's not perfect but he's able to put himself to sleep very well on his own now. Anyway a work in progress. Since getting better sleep he's been very chipper and happy and chatty. It's lovely to see.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Half roll

Ryan has done so well here at Ngala. It's been rough but so worth the time and effort. He can now go to sleep on his own most naps and night sleeps and is starting to learn to resettle between nap cycles. It's incredible. This place is amazing. I wish we could live here. Tonight they gave parents the night off and I chose to have a bath, read a book and I even got to clip my nails! Talk about luxury. I'm also getting respite tonight so I hope to get a good nights sleep. I don't have a pic of it but Ryan is now also starting to roll onto his left side and back. It's so cute. Amazing what getting some good sleep can do for development. We go home tomorrow and I'm super nervous!!

First solids!!!

Even though Ryan is not quite five months the nurses at Ngala thought that he might be really hungry because of his size. He's 19 pounds already and a heavy solid boy. So we gave it a try and he absolutely loved it! He was so excited to be in the high chair sitting up and gobbled up all the rice cereal and cried when I took the bowl away. He loves new experiences. He's already bored with rice cereal and I can't wait to try some other solids with him when we get home. He takes the spoon and sippy cup like he was born knowing how! It's so amazing. 

First plane ride!

On Monday Ryan and I got up bright and early (nothing new there these days) and got ready to fly to perth for an overnight stay at Ngala for sleep support. I was very nervous about managing everything alone. It was hard and heavy but we made it! Ryan was a total champ and didn't cry at all. He enjoyed looking around and out the plane window. He even had a short nap! Ngala has been amazing. The first few days were very hard and stressful but Ryan learns fast thankfully and the staff here are amazing and used to dealing with anxious moms.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Trying to crawl

Ryan is 4 1/2 months now and desperately wants to be up and moving around. He loves to stand, sit up, fly, go on outings (with our help) and really doesn't like being in his bouncer or on his back anymore. Tummy time is more fun now too! He's had a few very rough days but today he was cooing again and more active. We had some naked time today and he loved it! He pushed up very high on his arms and then began to lift up his knees too!! He made movements like he was trying to crawl. He was pretty frustrated that he didn't go anywhere. It was pretty amazing. Tomorrow he and I are off to Ngala in perth to hopefully get some help with his sleep problems. Wish us luck!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Ryan and I went swimming this morning. He didn't sleep well so he enjoyed it but was tired and gave me a hickey on my arm he was so hungry towards the end. He's looking more grown up each day! I swear I can see him growing when I look at him. He loves to splash in the water and doesn't mind if I dunk his face accidentally. He even searched for a yellow duckie under the water so he's started to understand the concept of object permanence which is exciting because it's very early for that! What a clever little munchkin. He's super strong and quite a content baby. And such a joy to be around. Dad makes him laugh but apparently I'm not so funny. I'm the milk machine and comforter I guess :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

19 weeks

Ryan is 19 weeks old and nearly 4 1/2 months old now. He's so heavy that it's hard for me to carry him much these days (already) but he's not yet able to sit up on his own which makes him very mad. He's nearly able to tripod tho so that's good. Still struggling with sleep but going to Ngala next week so hopefully some issues will get sorted out there!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Boat shed markets

Well nights haven't gotten any better I'm afraid. We are all zombies over here at the moment. Anyway we met some friends briefly at the boat shed markets which was nice. Good to get out of the house even for a little while. Ryan hasn't rolled again since Friday which is too bad. But he's probably exhausted from waking up every hour. I sure hope he starts sleeping better soon.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Swimming lesson 3

We went swimming for the third time today and jose got to join us which was lovely. Ryan loved it this time! His favorites were tummy time kicking in the water to wheels on the bus, splashing water all over himself and me, the grand old duke of York while riding a noodle and all time favourite was floating on his back. He kicks so strongly and even did a butterfly move! At the end of class he and I just communed for a while. He floated on his back and we looked at each other. He had a great big smile and cooed to me! It was one of the best moments ever for me. 

Amazing baby

Ryan has amazed us yesterday and today! Yesterday afternoon I put him on his tummy and he was intrigued by something near the tv so he pushed with his right hand and rotated his whole body 90 degrees!! It was incredible and clearly planned and executed. Today he woke up in a very sunny mood and we did some tummy time together again and he pushed up with his right hand and toppled over!! He had a great big smile on his face too so I think maybe he meant to do that. Later today he did it again and giggled and then again went almost all the way over but he grabbed the mat with his other hand and pulled himself back onto his tummy! I was really impressed. He's so strong! He also played with Miski who entertains him all day long. Such fun!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

18 weeks

My little munchkin is 18 weeks old now! It's been a rough week sleep wise but Ryan is still full of beans. I'm about to drop dead but whatever. Jose didn't have to work today so we went out to brekkie and Ryan was looking super cute in his outfit from grandma. We played with Miski who is still healing in the back yard and Ryan giggled up a storm. I love his laugh and little shrieks of joy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Shoulder rides

Ryan has been enjoying some shoulder rides on dad lately:) he can really hold his head up well now and loves to be up high. He giggles all the time now, especially at Miski. Sleep is still a major problem but he's cute as a button.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Piano man

Ryan got his 4 month shots last Thursday and though we were hoping that it wouldn't be like last's worse. So hooray. He only sleeps 20-60 min at a time day and night and jose and I are exhausted. Last time this lasted 2 weeks or more and I can only hope it won't be as long this time. How I've come to hate vaccines. Poor Ryan. He does love his activity center and outings but I can tell he isn't feeling full of beans as he usually does when he sleeps well. I wish they sold sleep at the store!! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Swim class and feet

Yesterday Ryan had his second round of vaccinations. He has entered the separation anxiety and stranger anxiety stage early and cried and cried when the nurse weighed and measured him. Poor little guy. He's 18 pounds!! Which is crazy. Today we went to swim class and he had a very hard time. He was fussy last night and ran a fever later today. He's feeling awful. But he still found enough energy and interest in playing with his toys and even started using his feet today with them!!! He's not yet started to play with his feet using his hands but he's started staring at his toes. Super cute :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

4 months!

Ryan turned 4 months old today which just seems crazy! It feels like no time has gone by and it feels like it's been an eternity at the same time. He's such a cute chubby little cherub. He's cooing up a storm and loves foot rubs and leg massages. He's got a definite personally that shines throats a sparkling laugh. He loves when I sing him songs, play peekaboo, make slurping noises and Miski. It's been so much fun lately.

New tricks

Since Ryan loves to sit I propped him up and we sang songs together. He's doing a new thing today too. He's sucking in his upper lip over and over and it makes a little popping or smacking noise. Very cute. He's chatting a lot today too and saying the eh sound more. Also sighs and grumbles. I took him to my circle of security class today and tried to put him in the free daycare but when a very nice lady picked him up he cried inconsolably for 10 min. Even after I took him back. So he sat in my lap like a big kid during the class. At least I know he likes me! He's also blowing raspberries a lot. I started milk again yesterday after over a month of no dairy. Hopefully he'll tolerate it because I sure miss cheese!! Poor Miski ripped her toenail almost totally off and had to have it removed under anaesthesia today. It's been a rather full day!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hangin out

Ryan and I went to a friends house yesterday. I got to have some real live adult conversation and Ryan and Tillie got to hang out. Not that they really noticed each other. It was very cute!