Saturday, February 7, 2015

Getting stronger

Ryan is getting stronger every day. He loves to stand (with help obviously), and no longer cries when we do tummy time. He lasts about 5-10 min a session these days and loves to look at all his toys and mirror. Miski is a real motivator to keep his head up too! We practice rolling together on the floor and he no longer face plants when I roll him onto his tummy. He says ah, ooh, uh, oogoo, mmm, and adoo these days. Super cute. Also squeaks, squeals, shrieks and gurgles and I even heard a raspberry yesterday! He loves to sing along with me and pull my hair. He loves when we say beep beep and poke his tummy and he totally loves funny faces and blanket play. We take him on outings and walks every day and he loves looking around at everything. It's hard to stop playing with him when we know he's due for a nap!!

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