Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ryan's first swim class!

Today Ryan and I went up to my old work to the hydrotherapy pool for a mums and bubs swim class. It's for babies 0-5 months to get used to going in the water. Ryan did so well he lasted 30 minutes before he'd had enough and then was very content to sit on the side and watch the girls :) his friends Isobel and Matilda were there too :) we sang songs and did some fun movements including tummy time. He started kicking and splashing right away! He was ok getting the back of his head wet too. Afterwards we took a shower together (his first shower) and he loved it! Even when I got his face wet he didn't mind. So much fun!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mums group

Parenting classes are over but our group of mums still get together Wednesday's for a catch up at Middleton beach. It's nice to meet other new moms and get out of the house. Never before did I find leaving the house so hard! It was a nice day but Ryan was fussy and due for a nap. We've been having a terrible time with his sleep and naps. So thats why I look grumpy and fried in the pic! At least Ryan had a short nap in his carrier.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

16 weeks!

Ryan is 16 weeks now and will be 4 months next Wednesday! He's getting so big! He's now 16.5 pounds and breaking my back. It's been challenging lately with his poor sleep but he's leaning new stuff each day. He's great at reaching and grabbing and shaking and cooing in softer more adult like tones!

Monday, February 23, 2015


We've had some exceptionally fussy days and nights here and I've been in survival mode. Poor Ryan was overstimulated ave over tired. I noticed too that he's really accurate when reaching and grabbing now and has found great pleasure in ripping my hair out! He's also using more varied and softer toned sounds. Very fun. And he's getting really very good at tummy time!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Ryan hates to lie down these days or even recline. So I propped him up on the couch and he loved it! He just needs popcorn and the remote (just kidding). He's now grabbing his favorite toy and shaking it vigorously. So fun!!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


The past several days have been super fun with Ryan. He has been in a great mood and has treated us to gigantic smiles and laughs and new sounds! It's been wonderful. Today he had a quiet day and I already miss his magical giggles. He's already in 6 month clothes which blows my mind!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Outings and naps

We get out most days for at least one outing and often two. We take walks at Middleton beach now that Ryan is ok being in his stroller which is great! We went to the pet shop and showed him the fish tanks - which he loves!!! At home we play lots and Ryan loves to stand and sit and play airplane :) he smiles and giggles lots too!! So fun. Yesterday he fell asleep on the couch by some miracle.

Monday, February 9, 2015

14 weeks

Time keeps ticking away here. Today Ryan is 14 weeks old! He's been extra chatty and squealy and giggly today which is so much fun. His current favourite games are airplane/elevator and having mom and dad blow raspberries on his tummy (anywhere really). He's enjoying walks in his stroller too!!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Getting stronger

Ryan is getting stronger every day. He loves to stand (with help obviously), and no longer cries when we do tummy time. He lasts about 5-10 min a session these days and loves to look at all his toys and mirror. Miski is a real motivator to keep his head up too! We practice rolling together on the floor and he no longer face plants when I roll him onto his tummy. He says ah, ooh, uh, oogoo, mmm, and adoo these days. Super cute. Also squeaks, squeals, shrieks and gurgles and I even heard a raspberry yesterday! He loves to sing along with me and pull my hair. He loves when we say beep beep and poke his tummy and he totally loves funny faces and blanket play. We take him on outings and walks every day and he loves looking around at everything. It's hard to stop playing with him when we know he's due for a nap!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Watching the rain

It rained today and gave us some respite from the crazy heat we've had recently. So Ryan and I sat at our big picture window and watched the rain over the fields and the drops on the window. Such fun.

3 months!!!

Wow! Ryan is 3 months old (13 weeks) already and is now an infant and no longer a newborn. He hardly ever cries now and likes to sing along with me with his coos. We also found a blue tongue lizard by our trash cans!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Amazing baby

Ryan's been having a rough week. Trouble sleeping, trouble napping, being extra fussy and quiet. Just when I thought I might lose it he gave us the biggest giggles yesterday when watching Miski play. Best sound ever. Then today he investigated and explored my face and hands in great detail. It was so fun. He also enjoyed a short tummy time stint and even reached out and grabbed a toy in front of him!! So amazing :)