Sunday, September 28, 2014

Recuperating and cute baby stuff

I am still recovering from my work week and our great party Saturday. Yesterday I did nothing really but loll around. Today I managed a short walk and some laundry. I couldn't resist taking a picture of all the cute tiny clothes for baby on the line :) and I wanted to capture the amazing whale balloon we got for the party. Miski is pretty bored these days but at least she can take comfort in her many bean bags around the house :)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Baby shower & Jose's bday party

It was one of those weeks where everything happens at once. We've had a very busy September so far and last week was the worst. Not just work but things to take care of back in peru and the states. Anyway we also had a party this Saturday to celebrate baby's impending arrival and Jose's bday. I admit I am totally exhausted from planning, decorating, cooking and having the party but it was great fun! I made my favorite cake and did the cheesiest decorating possible. We made chicken kabobs and hot dogs and had lots of nibbles and sun tea. A lovely day even if the weather was terrible. Thanks to everyone who came and made our day special!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Work baby shower

I was very spoiled today because my coworkers threw me a little baby shower. Very sweet of them. We had loads of yummy food (even more than pictured) and they even gave baby a bunch of little presents! So sweet and thoughtful. Thank you everyone!! I'm nearly 33 weeks now so the due date is steadily getting closer!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

First batch of loquat jelly

I made my first batch this morning. 4 cups of juice turned into only 2 1/2 jars of jelly. I wonder if I did it wrong. Anyway hopefully it will firm up and actually be edible! It was super yummy at least in liquid form! Update: I've done a second batch and both batches have turned out great! Yay!

Mexican breakfast

We had a pretty big day yesterday. I ended up working on the loquat jelly juice (just the first step) until 10pm! But I got almost 12 cups of juice which is great. Today we got up and made a pseudo mex bfast courtesy of Jamie Oliver and it was super yummy! It had popped black beans, avocado, tomatoes in oil, scrambled eggs and jalapeño aji. Very nice. Now I think I might attempt my first batch of jelly before the bday party we are going to today.

Loquat jelly and busy weekend

After another busy week - one with beautiful weather when I was stuck inside - we are having a very busy weekend too! It was sooooo hot today, almost unbearable for me now that I am a little heat factory. We did a bunch of errands and then attended a Breastfeeding class. Then we did house chores and started the first process in making loquat jelly - washing, de seeding and boiling the fruit. Took ages! Hopefully when we do the next step we will have tasty jelly. Tomorrow we are going to a friends bday party and also have to get ready for our baby shower/Jose's bday next weekend. Eep!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sunny Saturday arvo

After our beach walk we did a bit of gardening. Well I sat in the sun with Miski while jose did some weeding and watering. It was such a beautiful afternoon and a lot of our flowers have started blooming. Eventually watching his exertions made me tired so I came in for a nap while he washed the car. I feel so lazy but growing a baby is tiring! We only have 9 more weeks to go until we meet our little one.  Unreal!

Beyond birth class, lunch, beach walk and roos

Well after a very very long and exhausting week (for me at least) and some crazy storms we ended up with a gorgeous sunny Saturday. We slept in and then went to a class run by child health nurses about what to expect just after birth. It was great! Then we strolled Main Street and had lunch at the ivy. We grabbed Miski and took her for a run at ledge beach and on the way home we came across these huge kangaroos just lounging by the road. Amazing. So wish I had my good camera with me.