Sunday, June 30, 2013

Scones and in-n-out

> Met up with friends after the hike at Rebecca's and got her famous scones. Heaven! I've been missing those! And got to spend time with violet and yoshi (sarah and z's dogs respectively). Then we cleaned up and I showed jose around the mission valley target and shopping Center and we got in-n-out for lunch and then crashed for a few hours. Now we r gonna meet Andrea and her kids at the zoo!

Iron mountain!

Rar! Yesterday after lunch we got frozen yogurt. Yay! Then we went back to Rachel's and chatted a while. After that we went out to dinner at burger lounge and so many people came! Andrea and her hubby and kids, rachel, sarah Cragg, Steve, michelle and her hubby. It was great! Today we got up early and hiked iron mountain. It was so great to be there again but it was super hot. Jose was grumpy all the way up and fine back down. I got blisters and twisted my ankle. Go me!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh my god my SD friends!!!!

Yay after three long years of absence and being a terrible communicator i am here in SD and seeing all my favourite people. I feel at home down here and I missed it more than I really knew. Now I wanna move back and buy a house for sure. And Sarah's moving back!!!! Ahhhck. Can I wait another 1-2 years? Jose likes it too which is the real ticket. Anyway was amazing to see everyone at lunch (T-Deli) and dinner (burger lounge). I've missed my friends so much. Love to you all xoxo

Lomo delicioso

We had tri tip steak with roasted potatoes and cabbage salad which was to die for. Then had amazing lemon bars. My favourite!!! Also had lemon drops and mai tais...perhaps one too many.

Sign painting

My mum got Raymond a sign with their names and address on it to cover up the old owners sign. I set out to paint it yesterday. It was a lot of fun and mom helped me a lot and kept me company which was nice. Took me a few hours and I think it came out ok considering. Now I want one!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Hammock time

After our walk and while waiting for bfast to be cooked I went to lie in the hammock. It got too hot pretty fast but it was very comfy and beautiful. I want one!

Boulder walk

This morning my mom woke us up to walk up to a lookout point. It was very pretty and we got some great shots. Beautiful! And Luther had a ball.

Another amazing dinner

Today we were very slothful. Got up and had breakfast and then I napped all afternoon. Luxurious! Woke in time to help prep dinner with jose. We made lomo saltado for everyone. Then had amazing lime daiquiris and had super yummy nibbles including a purslane pesto that was just heaven. Chatted outside and then had the lomo saltado dinner followed by an amazing rhubarb crumble. Wow!!! We were treated to an incredible sunset which is unusual this time of year. Then jose and I took a nudie jacuzzi which was heaven and then plonked right into bed. Lovely day!

Relaxing, cocktails, and gourmet food

Coming to MJ and Bobs is always such a treat. We were welcomed with our own room and bathroom and a cocktail of course! Then we had nibbles and chatted outside on their patio and then had a wonderful salmon and cous cous dinner followed by plum and ginger crumble. Talk about yum! And jose bonded with Luther their rescue dog.

Playing in storage

on wed we left for Jamul from big bear. Took about three hours to get to San Diego. We stopped there to rummage through my storage unit. That was pretty fun- all kinds of stuff I'd forgotten about and unopened wedding gifts too! Took a few things with us and headed over to Jamul to visit MJ and Bob at their ranch.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lomo saltado lunch

Jose made us lomo saltado for lunch so ray could try it. It was wonderful as always! Such a good cook. Now we are off to see monsters university


Yay! Today was so beautiful so we went out kayaking on big bear lake. We were out about two hours and it was just stunning. We saw lots of ducks and baby ducks and trout jumping and other birds. Just wish moo was with us in the middle :)