Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sprucing up the closets

Yesterday was a difficult day at work and I needed to keep busy so when I got home I washed a few of the closets and painted one of them. Looks so much better now! Just 5 more to go :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

happy parrot, wistful miski

it's another crappy weekend...windy and rainy.  the week was beautiful.  there should be a law against having repeatedly yucky weekends.  sigh. i haven't gotten anything done this weekend. it's been disappointing. cleaned the house and had tea with neighbors but no outside projects.  miski got a little run but it's too wet to go far or for too long.  a parrot (i think a western rosella) decided to munch on the weeds in the front garden.  i got a few snaps and miski was feeling very sorry for herself that she couldn't be outside chasing him!  more photos here

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Snugly Miski

It's super cold now in the mornings. Poor Miski shivers until I cover her up. She was all snugly in bed this morning. So cute! I don't want to get out of bed either. Brrrrrrr.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Jalapeño heaven

Our jalapeño plant exploded overnight! Well maybe not that fast but quickly. There are over 20 on this tiny plant! Amazing. Only 6 weeks until we get to the US. Crazy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

US visa approved!

Finally! Jose got his US visa. It's a miracle! We will be heading back home in June hopefully. Looking for tickets now :) can't wait to see all of you!

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Vietnamese mint

Finally found some for sale! Put it in this cute tin that used to have bushells tea bags in it. Here's hoping it does well


I decided my Sunday project would be to clean the garden shed. It was in absolutely disgusting shape ever since we bought this house. I swear the old owners seemed to like being one with a lot of spiders. Gross. Did tons of laundry and aired out all the linen and Miskis beds. Sprayed the front grass and back lemon tree for pests and weeds and tended to the plants out back. The house is getting there...slowly. At least now the shed is clean and usable.

Screen door finally

Finally the screen door has been installed! Took two months which seems ridiculous. But at least we can open the door and have a breeze without flies and mozzies getting in. It locks and helps repel the rain that drives against the house. Exciting!


Yar. Got me a used spin bike. Not too flash but it was cheap and it will do the trick if I can make sure I use it. Here's hoping. Got a raspberry vine and some Vietnamese mint too! Had a pretty good work week with some great team meeting and hospital experiences. Got to run my first MBS in 2 years. Very fun. Went for drinks with friends twice at our favourite bar too. Super fun!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

What to do with all these plants

Spent the rest of my day planting and fixing the reticulation in the garden. It was nice and relaxing and not too hot outside.

Plant spree!

There was a huge plant sale on today so I got there super early and was first in! just before going in i saw lots of cute grey kangaroos munching away in the fields.  top shot is of them...blurry but you can just make them out. Got 10 plants, half were fruit trees. Other half were: a huge black bamboo plant, cherry blossom tree, chalice vine, and some blood lilies. Fruit trees were avocado, tree tomato, vanilla ice cream bean, white sapote, rose apple, and custard apple. Got a few pots too. Amazing. A friend met me there and then we grabbed breakfast and went for a walk with Miski on Middleton beach. Lovely morning!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Walk around the neighborhood

Yesterday I took Miski for a stroll around the block after work. It was a very hot day until our walk when the clouds gathered. It was lovely and the sunset that evening was spectacular.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Glass sculpture at hospital

Had the hospital site orientation today. It's lovely but I need a map! Anyway at one entrance is this gorgeous glass art installation. It's so peaceful to look at. I'd like one at home.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Total bliss

Had a busy work day and was tired when I got home. Almost went for a walk but talked myself out of it unfortunately. Anyway as a compromise I sat in back or rather on the side of the house to watch a spectacular sunset. It was so relaxing and peaceful with the gum tree swaying in the breeze and for those few moments it was bliss. Then Miski would come by and stick her wet nose on my foot. How cute. Can't wait to have even a side deck on which to sit and watch the skies. The scenery here and specifically our view is so amazing. I feel lucky to live here and can't wait for jose to get home. Wish you could all join me for some sun tea :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

incredible sunset

albany 2013 album here  wow. last night's sunset was incredible.  some of the clouds were long with curls on the end.  made me wish we had a deck out front so i could watch from a lounge chair.  anyway today i was going to rest but instead took another long walk with miski, pruned the roses out front, though i think it's a lost cause, got the whipper snipper/weed whacker up and running and cut the back grass.  that was pretty funny, i've never used one of those before and it took me a while to get the hang of it.  my arms feel like jello.