Friday, November 30, 2012

Silly tired miski

How cute is she. The antibiotics for her foot make her sleepy and its been pouring for days now so we've been having cuddles and naps after work. Here is Miski totally passed out with me on the couch. So funny :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Miski eating a dinosaur

Got Miski a cool nylabone in the shape of a brontosaurus. I know they are not called that these days but I like that name better. She loves chewing on its head! Took her to the vet today for gen check up and to check the cut or pulled back nail she got on Sunday at the beach. Vet declared her extremely healthy and gorgeous and she just needed some antibiotics for the foot. So good news!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Video of Miski at ledge beach

Such a cutie! see more photos here in albany part 2

Ledge beach romp

Took moo for a run today at the beach. Unfortunately she somehow cut her foot or tore a toenail partly away and is now limping and bleeding. I feel so terrible. At least she got a run in. I hope it heals soon or to the vet we will go. Was supposed to rain today but as you can see it was beautiful. Have had a very very lazy weekend. Missing home and the thanksgiving dinner and ginger cookies and family time I've missed out on. I love turkey day. That's when it's hardest to be away. Poor jose had his bike stolen this weekend. I miss him so much. Counting down the days now. He wants to get another puppy :) after how much moo drove him mad at first I think that's so cute. I've converted him into a true animal lover! Yay! more photos here in albany part 2

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Dawas drink

> I went to eat at bay merchants cafe this morning and saw this on the menu. When i was little i couldn't say my brothers name right (david) and it came out as dawa. It became his family nickname and i could not believe when i saw it on the menu today. I had to see what it was like and it was awesome! Dawa you have an official Aussie drink!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

sunsets, us visa, missing jose

have had some weird weather but nice sunsets lately. work has been busy as usual since ramping up with all the new stuff going on.  it's all been a bit much, especially with jose away. miski and i miss him very very much and can't wait for him to come home.  we also got word that finally the us embassy has granted jose a visa appointment that of course we have to reschedule. but that means we are also madly updating all of our proof of relationship books we've been keeping. i tell you it is an insane amount of information and has been very stressful. in fact the whole process has been unpleasant and stressful.  i will be glad when the interview is over and done with and we've submitted all the documentation.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Burgers and funny Miski

Have been craving a burger for weeks now. Got one at dillans with friends and it was awesome. Miski has been funny and cute as usual :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Jose in derby and dressing up the house

Jose sent me this cute pic of him. He went fishing this weekend and got to see several friends which is great! I got stir crazy because of all this damn rain trapping me inside (Miski is going insane) and put up our textiles I'd forgotten about.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Boo cloudy weird days

Well today is an odd day. It rains then shines and on an off so often it's impossible to take a walk and not have it change seasons 4 or 5 times. So poor Miski is bored inside. I did bikram yoga instead. Torture but glad I did it when it was over. Grabbed some fresh bread at the markets and walked Miski on the boardwalk until the wind and rain chased us home. Wish I had another Sunday tomorrow :)

Weird weather

Another hard work week. Work is so busy and will be super busy for the next 12 months at least. Bummer. Anyway very glad it's Saturday. Did some meditating and yoga today. Walked the dog and gardened a bit. Then a friend came by and poisoned a few trees we want to chop down which was nice of them and a neighbour had me over for tea and a chat. People are so friendly here. It's sweet. It was very pretty early on and then poured in the afternoon and now is nice again. Go figure.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Squee little Miski

A very pretty day today. Miski and I took a little stroll around the neighborhood and got a nice shot of the sky. Then she adopted the role of cutest puppy in the world (this occurs most often when she's sleeping and motionless for once). So cute I could just eat her!