Saturday, August 25, 2012

bluff knoll hike!

bluff knoll hike pictures
what an amazing weekend, and it's not even half over!  well almost half over.  jose finally has a weekend off so we get to spend some much needed time together.  we spent friday afternoon chatting with our lovely neighbours and putting up a temporary fence so that miski can have more room to roam in the backyard.  it is looking better and better every day.  and miski is so happy - she immediately went tearing around the yard, doing laps, and rolling around blissfully.  can't wait to start ripping up more of those awful plants.  anyway...sadly forgot my good camera at work so we only had the little camera when we went hiking today.  sigh. this weekend has been so beautiful - we decided to take a break from working on the house and enjoy the sunshine by driving an hour north to the stirling ranges national park and hiking bluff knoll.  it's one of the most famous hikes around here and for good reason.  the weather was perfect for it- sunny but not too hot. drove up there and hiked the 3kms to the top...all steps (ugh)...which was hard but worth it for the incredible views. we got to see some amazing plants that only grow up in these mountains and they look like crazy dragons.  we also saw a lot of poo up there but we're not sure what animal it's from. i'm really curious! might be some kind of kangaroo perhaps?  took us about 2 1/4 hours round trip which isn't bad at all considering how steep the hike is and how much gain there is in such a short amount of time/distance.  after our beautiful hike we drove home and enjoyed lunch and drinks outside on our new patio table with miskers.  now we're having some wine and watching funny videos and other random tv.  very satisfying day!  wish you all were here. there are say more photos and videos in the album linked above

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