Sunday, May 8, 2011

camp breakfast

next morning we woke up when we felt like it and it was drizzling ever so slightly. miski was still sleeping soundly which was unusual. enjoyed the cool morning breeze and lounged around a bit. eventually we got up and took puppy for a stroll and broke down the tent. then we made traditional australian breakfast: jaffles!  they are amazing! i had baked beans, egg and tomato. jose had salami, cheese and beans and tomatoes. yum.  the boys also had some cherrabun to top it all off. we had tea and chatted and watched the dogs run around and play.  we eventually cleaned up and went to the stream again to wander in the water. headed out early to get home for nanna naps and laundry. it was so great to finally get to go camping again after all this time!  jose and i had such a good time. can't wait for the next outback camping.  more photos here

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