Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lares Trek and Temple of the Moon

We recently returned from a beautiful Lares trek where we had gorgeous weather and amazing stars at night. It was however bone chillingly cold the second night and I was pretty sure I was going to die.  Anyway other than that things were great and I got to finally hike to the temple of the moon in Machu Picchu on the other side of Wayna Picchu (picture of me there above).  I will try to post photos to picassa but the intertubes here do not like photos.  I hope all of you are well. Miss you!


  1. what a fabulous place. You look so happy! Congratulations on getting there! Love,

  2. Nice Blog.
    Realy in this blog infromation is perfect.
    Thank you for your generosity in sharing so much of your knowledge.
    Lares trek
