Monday, May 25, 2015


Yesterday for dinner Ryan had spaghetti and meat sauce for the first time. I didn't think he'd be able to do much more than play with it but he did great and ate a lot of it! He absolutely loved it! He played with it and picked it up and ate it and ate it off a spoon. He also had some cereal. So impressive. It was really fun to watch him explore and enjoy his food. Sadly we had a very hard night because his neighbour screamed bloody murder all night long. Ryan is hypersensitive and cries when he heard loud noises. So he woke up and could not go back to sleep. I don't blame him because it was deafening. We had to move to a room across the building. It took two hits of him crying to finally sleep again. As sorry as I am for that family I'm also pretty pissed off about him waking up Ryan. Anyway Ryan then slept until morning and went without a night feed for the first time EVER! So that's magic. I got zero sleep bc that stupid boy screamed every hour and I could hear him all the way across the building like he was in the room with me. And he's old enough to know better (2). Anyway enough bitching. Today has been hard of course bc Ryan is overtired. I hope we actually get some help this week and not more sleep deprived.

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