Thursday, March 26, 2015

Half roll

Ryan has done so well here at Ngala. It's been rough but so worth the time and effort. He can now go to sleep on his own most naps and night sleeps and is starting to learn to resettle between nap cycles. It's incredible. This place is amazing. I wish we could live here. Tonight they gave parents the night off and I chose to have a bath, read a book and I even got to clip my nails! Talk about luxury. I'm also getting respite tonight so I hope to get a good nights sleep. I don't have a pic of it but Ryan is now also starting to roll onto his left side and back. It's so cute. Amazing what getting some good sleep can do for development. We go home tomorrow and I'm super nervous!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole,
    I'm so glad that you are getting more sleep now that you and Ryan have learned new
    techniques. Don't worry too much. You will do well at home!
    Love, Mom
