Saturday, March 1, 2014

Oyster and bush tucker festival

Well it has been a busy weekend I have to say. Another long and disheartening work week followed by drinks at three anchors with friends on Friday night to say farewell to a few coworkers who are leaving us :( then Saturday we visited a friend in hospital and went to the festival. So much fun!!! We did some wine tasting and bush tucker sampling and got a few bottles to go with out emu sausage, croc burger, lemon myrtle fries and damper with lemon myrtle butter. Food was so so but the damper was awesome. And there were some celebrity chefs (one was Poh) there doing demonstrations!


  1. How fun! The food sounds and looks so interesting. I wonder what
    that little package thing is on your plate. By the way, do you
    ever drink lemon myrtle tea? I read up on it and it provides a
    lot of benefits according to the Wikipedia article.

    1. Hi mom
      The little package is lemon myrtle butter for the damper. I haven't had that tea but now I think I'll try some! Xoxo
