Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Walking cusco

We've had nice weather which has been great. We slept in late today and his mom made us papaya juice for brekkie. I tried to take a shower with the new set up they put in but of course he city turned off the water the second I started to shower. Figures. They are doing a lot of work on the streets I guess. We walked a bit and found out our favourite place to eat (muse) had moved and when we ate there all the food was different. Very disappointing! In fact all my favourite places are gone it seems. They also put a weird inca statue on the colonial fountain which is weird.


  1. I wonder where they got the Inca statue to put on top. Perhaps they had it made specially for the occasion.

  2. No idea but it looks weird. One city group wants to keep it and the other wants it down.
