Sunday, May 12, 2013

mothers day outing at ledge beach

we had a very brief reprieve in weather today so i took miski to ledge beach to celebrate mothers day. she was overjoyed and had such a good time. it was beautiful out there today and nice to have a break from the rain, which has started again. found this really cute little guy on the beach (apparently a bluebottle jellyfish) and had to take a pic.  happy mothers day mom!


  1. Hi Nicole,
    That is an incredible creature. Raymond
    wants to know how big it was and if they
    are poisonous. Looks like a glorious day
    at the beach. I love the picture of Miski
    running parallel to the long white capped
    wave. So good to talk with you this (Mother's
    Day) weekend. Love, your Mum!!

  2. Hi mom
    I thought he was pretty cool. It was about 3 inches long and yes they sting but only for an hour or so. Every now or then they end up on the beach in droves after storms. Love you!

  3. That's interesting. In your picture the jellyfish
    looked huge! He was cute and colorful. Do you know
    what all the dark blue stuff is that appears to be
    outside of his body?

  4. I know u should have put my foot in there for scale purposes. The dark blue is his tendrils or tentacles or whatever they're called all bunched up I think Xoxo
