Thursday, May 30, 2013

Farewell dinner and rainbows

Well I'm done with work until October which is crazy. It was hard to pack up and say goodbye. The speech team went our for a lovely dinner at the white star and I had a beautiful fish dinner. It was so nice! I feel like I finally love my job, my home and am making friends just as I leave town. I hope things are still the same when we return. I am going to miss mooshoo sooooo much! Anyway excited to go back too of course. Then today we had a gorgeous full rainbow right outside our bedroom window. Spoiled!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dresser hardware

Got the hardware on today. Super excited!


Have put in some native plants. Yay! Mulch next weekend

Monday, May 27, 2013

Breakfast in bed surprise!

Lucky me! Jose surprised me with breakfast in bed :) I got fried eggs on toast and breakfast juice (an Aussie thing). So yummy and such a nice surprise. Thanks honey!!!! Xoxoxo

Dresser done and yard work

Well another big day on Sunday. We got up early and fixed the back fence where the trees used to be and now allowed gaps for Miski to escape through. Cleaned up the yard a bit and then I started weeding the garden. Took me most of the day to get half the front garden weeded and some new native and water wise South African plants in place. Looks so naked! Then I painted the dresser again so I think it's ready to come in once it's dried! I also did laundry and cleaned up around the house too. I am sooooo tired but very happy with the progress we've made. We have so much more sunlight and space in the yard. Less privacy but I prefer the sun and space. We have more projects to do of course but those can wait. I put in many varieties of protea flowers. Look them up, they are amazing. I'll take pics this week of the plants once we mulch. Also finished the dresser. Now just need the hardware!!!

Te koko goodness

We are going through our special wine before we leave town. Yesterday we had the cloudy bay gewürztraminer and today the cloudy bay te koko. Yum!!! Also we have de-weeded the front garden and planted some beautiful native plants. And we will mulch this weekend. All ready for the winter and some easier gardening :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tree trimming!

Well finally had to bite the bullet and admit that we could never tackle these trees alone. Got a guy in who was lovely and came with his wife and they knew all our neighbours. We cut a few trees down completely and trimmed all the others way way back. Then got the mulch from the trees! We have way more sunlight now. The trees were so overgrown it was way overdue. Also he cleaned our gutters and put in a new down pipe so I feel like the house is going to be nice and safe while we are gone. Took Miski to the beach and got some native plants to put in the front garden and then we will mulch it before we go. Yay!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

White pointer & lomo saltado

Last night we met our friends at rats for drinks and snacks. Yummy! I tried their white pointer (great white shark) cocktail (so named and designed after a shark attack at Middleton beach which is just across from the bar). Gotta love australia and its deadly creatures! So it's a piña colada with a fin and a nasty surprise (grenadine blood)!!! And is super yum. Got lots of snacks and gossiped. It was great. My headaches are going away now too. Probably because I'm eating well now that jose is home. Tonight he made us a delicious lomo saltado. With jalapeños from the garden. Spoiled!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Jose is home!!!

Hooray!!! Jose is finally home! So awesome to have him back. Miski is over the moon of course. Took her for a long walk and then we cooked arroz verde con pollo. Yum!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Beautiful Sunday arvo

It was gorgeous today. I spent some of it doing laundry and cleaning up around the house. Also a bit of weeding in the back. Miski enjoyed the sunny window as always. Jose gets home tomorrow!!!! Yay!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

First bell pepper/capsicum

First tiny pepper of the season (bell pepper that is). How cute and tiny! Hopefully we will get a few more and then bigger ones next year

Sleepy puppy

Miski disappeared around 2 o'clock today and I found her napping in our bedroom after having tuckered herself out watching the birds and cats outside. I could not get her to wake up for anything and she slept until 1 am. Unfortunately she then wanted to play. She's cute when she's sleeping anyway

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pretty Saturday

Finally a nice weekend day! After washing the windows, doing laundry, dusting, vacuuming, etc, I took Miski for a walk at the little pond near our house and then got some groceries for when jose is home. It was beautiful at the pond today.

Beef! Moo!

Talk about yarm. This week has been incredibly busy with move planning and wards moving to the new hospital and orienting two new staff and planning for my leave. Went to dinner with Lili and her parents at nonna's last night and had fillet miñon. Yum! Now getting the house all ready for jose to come home to on Monday. Can't wait!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

mothers day outing at ledge beach

we had a very brief reprieve in weather today so i took miski to ledge beach to celebrate mothers day. she was overjoyed and had such a good time. it was beautiful out there today and nice to have a break from the rain, which has started again. found this really cute little guy on the beach (apparently a bluebottle jellyfish) and had to take a pic.  happy mothers day mom!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Rain and rainbows

The only good thing about the weather lately is the beautiful rainbow we had over town on Friday morning. Otherwise it's been miserable. Rainy, cold and disgustingly windy. The knocking of some unknown loose item by the bedroom window has kept me up for 5 nights. I love it here when it's nice but the winter just sucks. Also may is supposed to be beautiful. I'm glad we are leaving for the winter to be honest. We both need a break and some time together and some nice weather! Just wish we could bring Miski with us :(

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Painted pantry

Had a great and very social weekend. Today I got up late and did laundry, sprayed the weeds in back and painted the pantry. Boy was it marked up. Looks so good now but it took forever! Also painted the crown moulding in the kitchen and hallway and most of the kitchen ceiling. I thought I'd get way more done but I ran out of paint and I was tired after 6 hours of painting. Getting there!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy puppy

Another hard week at work. Seems it's always busy. I should become a hobo. Anyway ended up going out with friends for an impromptu night at the pub last night. It was great but man am I tired today. So had a lie in this morning with Miski and did a bit of laundry and then met friends for lunch and shopping and browsing at the Mother's Day markets. It was so much fun and I got a few cute items. So many talented crafts people in town. Took moo for a walk after I got home and she was very happy. The ducks on the pond were making a very strange mewing sort of noise.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


We have the most amazing neighbour ever! Every time she comes for down she feeds me, mows our lawn, and brings us eggs. She's like a surrogate mom! And this time she made our curtains. They look so good!