Saturday, May 12, 2012

farmers market, garage sales, great food and lake seppings

incredible.  albany is so beautiful.  friday after the beach we looked at houses as i mentioned, window shopped, made dinner, etc.  today we started the day by going to the local farmers market!  it was awesome...and absolutely freezing!  it warmed up by 9am but man was it frigid at 8.  we got all kinds of beautiful produce, poultry, meat, eggs, cheese that was all organic, free range, home-made.  very nice. i've really missed stuff like that. then we hit a few garage sales and of course got a few items...picnic baskets, a few movies, a hammock.  just random stuff.  we made a great lunch together - free range chicken with organic salad.  i even got heirloom tomatoes!  my favorite.  the flavors of the fresh produce was unreal...i forgot what really good food tasted like.  they even had a beautiful fragrance...which all the produce we got in derby lacked.  it was like wax basically. anyway i'll stop complaining.  it was super yummy.  then some great organic tea followed by a lovely nap and another stunning walk at lake seppings at sunset with the dogs.  now...a glass of wine and a movie.  doesn't get much better than this.  i must be in denial that i actually have to work for a living soon :) tomorrow we are going to the local fish market! so excited :)

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