Friday, January 30, 2015


It's been very very hot here (well for Albany anyway). None of us have slept well consequently. Oh well. I'd say bring on winter but that brings freezing evenings and awful winds. Ryan has been reaching and grabbing up a storm and playing airplane with dad. He's also squeaking and shrieking with delight which is ever so rewarding and makes those tough nights seem with it. Such fun!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

12 weeks

I can't believe my baby boy is 12 weeks old now! Next Wednesday he'll be 3 months! Time flies when you're a zombie baby slave. I hear all this great stuff that's supposed to magically happen at 3 months. Here's hoping that's true even though I highly doubt it. Ryan is loving blanket play, peekaboo, songs and rhymes especially with hand movements, lights and bells/rattles. Well much more but those are his favorites. Oh and books of course. Today we went to see a dietitian to try going off milk protein to see if that helps Ryan's tummy and the to a post natal parenting class where we learned baby massage! What fun :) 

Daddy pillow

I love this picture. A blissfully happy baby using an exhausted daddy as a pillow :) so cute. Ryan is full of beans in the morning these days. Such fun! Gearing up for a garage sale this weekend.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Immersed in a good book

No not me...I wish! Ryan enjoyed the feel and play book we were exploring so much that he grabbed it and jammed it right up into his face. All in order to lick it :) I laughed so hard! At least he enjoys books!!

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

It's official! Jose and I are now Aussies! We attended the local citizenship ceremony at eyre park today. It was extra special because it's also Australia Day! Ryan was laughing because he beat us to it. Ryan did not enjoy the outing sadly. It started off well with him falling asleep in his stroller on the way but he was already overtired and woke too soon and then cried through the entire ceremony. Luckily a girlfriend of mine was there to hold him!!! He sported his new made in australia onesie so he looked spiffy at least. Pretty exciting!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Boat shed markets

Yesterday Ryan had a very sleepy day. We tried three times to have an outing and each time he began to yawn and rub his eyes almost as soon as we left the house. We did eventually get to take him to the boat shed markets which he enjoyed. There was live music and lots of smells and sights. He had a quiet day and just took everything in from his little throne. At home he giggled when daddy danced and sang for him. Tomorrow is Australia Day!

Walk at Middleton

A couple of days ago we took Ryan for a walk at Middleton beach for his afternoon constitutional:) he really enjoyed being in his carrier and was looking around at everyone and everything. Just an inquisitive little bunny. He loves to stand up and push off with his feet now and does so at every opportunity. He's so strong!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Aussie baby

It's Australia Day this Monday and so we went to the store for our outing and a few food items before the shelves get cleared out. Ryan loved his outing as usual and we ran into a work colleague which gave me the opportunity to shamefully show off my baby :) she said he is extraordinarily alert for a 2 1/2 month old which was music to my ears especially coming from an expert on young babies! Ryan is grabbing more, has better aim, loves when I read to him and looks intently at the book, and laughed out loud when we played patty cake! I'm besotted. He also now smiles and laughs when he sees he's going to nurse :)

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ryan has reached that age where we are now old hat to him and he's bored with the house, his toys and us. He also likes his baby bjorn so we take him for outings every day. He loves getting out, looking at plants, people, items on shelves and so on. It's really cute. He's really grasping at his toys and loves his bell rattle most currently:)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

11 weeks

Ryan is 11 weeks today! Can't believe how time flies. He's grabbing up a storm now. Today he reached out and grabbed my face and my fingers and studied my hands. He also grabbed at his interactive book. So amazing!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Ryan started laughing about a week ago or so and its been intermittent. Guess I'm just not that funny :) anyway today we were chatting and singing and counting and I blew a cool breeze in his face and he let out a loud chuckle! Music to my ears!! He also spent much of his awake time cooing, squealing and batting at some bells I hung above his playmat. Amazing!! Above picture was one of our quiet moments together :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Passionfruit cream cookies

All I want these days is sugar. The store bought cookies (and chocolate and ice cream) are so disappointing and flavorless. So I finally found a few broken moments to make passionfruit cream cookies today! They're super yummy. I also made crockpot beef with veggies. Feeling über productive today

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

10 weeks

Ryan turned 10 weeks on Tuesday! He's getting so big and even more cuddly than ever :)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

9 weeks

Ryan is 9 weeks already! Well, 9 and a half by now but whatever. I can't believe it's been that long. Crazy. He's getting so good at tummy time and chatting us up with his coos and breaking out into great big grins. So fun. I'm glad the last week and a half are over though. He had a hard time after his shots and then had a growth spurt right after so we had 9 straight days of a fussy baby and sleepless nights. I thought I was going to lose my mind. Anyway I'm also shocked to find that I am one of those moms. Everything is about baby and I can't get enough. Who knew?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cutie pie

I can't get enough of baby when he's awake and playful. After a super rough week post injections he seems to be feeling better now thankfully

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2 months old

Our sweet little peanut turned 2 months yesterday! Days have melted into one another here so I didn't know the date until bath time!! He's had such a rough time since his first shots and I hope things will go back to being relatively normal soon bc we are SO tired. And so is he I imagine.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy new year!!

Woah! 2015 where did you come from? Seriously I distinctly remember thinking that 1999 was a million years away. Man that dates me. Anyway rang in the new year over here by nursing hungry Ryan. Pretty appropriate. We had a very lazy day since jose and I didn't sleep well. Happy new year everyone!!!