Tuesday, December 30, 2014

8 weeks!

Baby turned 8 weeks old yesterday! And on Monday he'll be 2 months. Time flies when you're changing diapers and wandering around like a zombie. He went for his 8 week check and vaccinations and got a perfect bill of health of course! He's already 12 1/2 lbs and getting bigger and stronger every day :)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Finally a walk!!

We finally managed to get a walk in today at Middleton beach. Baby napped in his ergo carrier for 1.5 hrs and we even got to go to the shops too! So lovely.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Aussie Xmas!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Aussie Xmas!! Today we met friends at emu point for a brekkie BBQ. We had bacon and egg rolls and yummy local fruit. It was a bit windy and it was extremely low tide so no paddle boarding. But it was lovely. Then we came home and opened Ryan's pressies with him :) he got a ball, nightlight, mirror tambourine, musical mobile, tummy time mirror and bubble wand. Such fun! And Miski got a ball and treats.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Home again home again

Jiggety jog... As the saying goes. Yesterday we drove home from perth after almost no sleep. That sucked. But we made good time and even fit in a stop at babies r us for Ryan's Xmas presents. Yesterday he also turned 7 weeks!! Amazing how time flies. Can't believe tomorrow is Christmas. Where did the year go? Merry Christmas everyone!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Aussie citizenship test

Last night Ryan slept well but I didn't. The city set off loud fireworks at 10pm and amazingly he didn't wake up. But I did and then I couldn't sleep again. Anyway, this morning we grabbed a bite to eat and tried to shop but baby was having none of that. This afternoon we walked to take the citizenship test and baby slept in his pram all the way there. It was hot and windy again today and they had no air conditioning. Our good friend came to hold him while we had our interviews and took the test, so sweet of her. And we passed with flying colours!!! Hooray! And baby was such a good boy during the whole process. So now we attend a ceremony at some point and get our citizenship certificates. We head home tomorrow. Yay!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Play time

This afternoon we all had a short cat nap and then baby was ready for some playtime. We did tummy time and practiced rolling from side to side. I tried to take a video but he stops chatting when the camera is on. So annoying. He is now smiling lots and even started saying oogoo! He's reaching for our faces and raising his head up high during tummy time. He's so fun to watch!

Back in perth again

Well it figures we would have to come right back up here. Oh well. We left on Friday and got here in about 6 hours again. Took baby to his appt and then checked in at the holiday inn, which has turned out to be a great hotel! Clean, comfy, quiet and very friendly and helpful staff. It was 102 on Friday which was gross and it's been super windy which we get quite enough of in albany thank you very much. There is this crazy wind tunnel right outside the hotel. We've been out for brekkie, lunch and dinner but each time Ryan protests so only one of us gets to eat. When we are done then he's happy again :) the women here teeter around on these crazy contraptions I suppose are called high heels but they are insanely high and frankly I think they look ridiculous. Anyway Saturday we got the computer fixed again and saw a dear friend from up in Broome (whom we met on our first day in oz) which was lovely. Today I think we will go Xmas sale shopping. And tomorrow we take our citizenship test!!! Very exciting. Then back to albany for Xmas and New Years.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Magic! Baby slept 7 hours straight last night and then another 3 after nursing. So lovely. Today he has been alert and very chatty. I have gotten the biggest smiles too! Such fun.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rough day

Yesterday Ryan turned 6 weeks old! It seems like yesterday he was born and yet it also feels like it's been eons since we are so tired. He had a fussy day yesterday and we had a rather rough night last night too. Jose is trying to soothe him with his pinky finger. I just love that little fox outfit. Wish I had one just like it.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Impromptu BBQ

Yesterday we held an impromptu BBQ. Nat, our neighbour heather, Billie and Kieran and their new baby Tilly joined us. Ryan's Aussie nanna heather looked after him while we cooked which was a welcome relief for jose and I. Jose made BBQ pork tenderloin and chicken with roasted potatoes, yams and zucchini. We had aperitifs and a big salad and sticky date pudding with ice cream for dessert. It was awesome! And the babies were on their best behaviour :)


We've been going about our days as usual...eat, sleep, change diapers and rock baby. Baby is cooing more and enjoying outings and time in his bouncer. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas baby elf

Yesterday baby wore his elf outfit that grandma bought for him. I thought he looked so cute!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Smiles, naps and Xmas

Baby has been smiling and cooing a lot these past few days. It's so much fun! He even reached for my face today :) we have also been catching cat naps as often as possible. Baby has been so much less fussy since we took him to the chiropractor and since I've been eating more carefully. Thank goodness! Also started decorating the house for baby's first Xmas! He'll be two months by then :) 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Baby's first santa pix and new dishwasher and glider

Yesterday, after a pretty decent nights sleep (thank you baby) we took a trip to Harvey Norman to look at dishwashers since ours finally died and never really cleaned dishes well anyway. We did get a new dishwasher and it's amazing! Jose installed it all by himself, super impressive. We also found a used nursing glider chair that is perfect for rocking and feeding baby. While we were at the store they were taking santa pics so I had to get one for baby. So adorable. Can't believe it's almost Christmas!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Final day in perth

Yesterday after we said goodbye to mom and ray we picked up our computer with it's new hard drive installed. Then we headed to the Peruvian consulate to register baby's birth with the Peruvian government. That went well which was great. Overall our few days in perth were a great success except my mom and ray missed their flight out of perth because we all looked at the wrong flight when planning their return. Awful! They did still leave yesterday but it was a terrible situation. We drive home after the appts and got Miski on the way home. So nice to be back in our own beds. Baby slept very well and so did we, yay!

Grandparents have flown home

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to my mom and ray. I miss them so much already. It was so wonderful to have them here and I learned so much from my mom about patience and calming baby, for which I am so grateful. I wish Ryan could see more of his grandma.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Long hot day in perth

We had a long day considering we toted around a newborn. We went to apple to fix the computer and ended up having to leave it there while we went to the consulate. We registered baby's birth and applied for his US passport and other documents at the US embassy. Went back to apple and found out our hard drive is kaput so we have to go back to get it tomorrow. And it is quite hot here in perth today. A big day for baby but he was such a good boy and didn't fuss at all. He is officially 1month old today!!! He saved all his fussing for the evening. Thankfully my mom helped us settle him finally.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chatting with daddy

I love this series of pictures. It really looks like they are having a little chat about something. We head to perth today for our appts and to farewell mom and ray :( today baby was weighed and he's 10 pounds!!!

4 weeks old!

Baby is 4 weeks old today! He's more alert and cooing and talking more. It's so cute. We've had a lot of outings lately. We've been out shopping and went to visit my coworkers and then our neighbours too. Tomorrow we head up to perth to drop mom and ray at the airport (I'm devastated they are leaving!) and have a few appts at the US and Peruvian embassies to register baby's birth abroad and get his passports. Exciting he will have three!!