Sunday, November 30, 2014

Baby wearing playgroup

Today we met Billie and her bubby (baby) at Eyers park for the baby wearing group. It was a gorgeous day and I learned how to wrap my baby properly and he loved it! So fun. Then this afternoon my mom made us thanksgiving dinner. First I've had in five years and man was it amazing!!! Thanks mom!


We met some friends at emu point for a bub-a-q to celebrate our new babies (mine and billies). It was great and the dads battled it out for title of dad of the year by baby wearing. So cute. Later Ryan relaxed with dad in his new alligator outfit from his aunty sarah in the states :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Family dinner

Finally we were able to all sit down to dinner together. Even if it did mean getting up a few times to change diapers and such. We had a great stew with dumplings and ginger cookies for dessert thanks to moms great cooking. I feel so spoiled being cooked for every day and it's been so helpful. Baby slept so well last night too!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wine tasting outing in Denmark

We had a really rough week with baby once we got home from the hospital. He was so fussy and seemed to always be starving. We never got any sleep and were at our wits end. Turned out he was getting too much milk and after we fixed that things settled down a lot. He has a sleep routine now that starts with a bath and is allowing us to get some rest. Yesterday we all went wine tasting (well I didn't drink) at singlefile wines, Boston brewery, and yilgarnia winery. We had lunch at Boston. It was a nice outing but a bit much for baby.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Out for errands

We had errands to do and now that baby is sleeping better I have the energy and interest in going out too! We got dog food and plants and diapers and a few other items too. Baby loved being in his hug a bub wrap with dad. So cute! And we ran into friends at all the shops!! Now to take poor neglected Miski for a run.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Home from the hospital!

Today we were deemed ready to leave the hospital. So we got some final testing done on baby while jose took my mom and ray around town to see some sights and have a bite to eat. We got home (only 3 blocks away) around 1:30pm and settled baby in to his new environment. We introduced Miski to baby too - she is totally fascinated by him. Basically we all sat around staring at Ryan eat, sleep and poop :) we had pizza to celebrate our first night home and it is so nice to have my family here!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Happy baby

Baby is now two days old! He really doesn't look like a two day old and everyone here has said so - that he looks strong and calm and more developed than a 2 day old usually appears. I'm so proud of him! He's quite calm and easy to settle, he's a great eater and our days are filled with him eating, sleeping and pooping :) We have had a lot of visitors stop by so Ryan has gotten oohed and aahed over non stop (which he totally loves)!! Soon his grandma and grandpa will arrive to continue spoiling him!!! Can't wait!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Baby Montes has arrived!!

At long last our newest family member has made his debut! Ryan David Montes was born on Tuesday the 4th of November at 5:20pm and weighed 8lb 1oz. He came several days early and via c-section which was not according to plan but he is happy, healthy, mellow and beautiful so no complaints here :) we're parents!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Miski, queen of the neighborhood

After our outing I had a much needed nap and then we sat in our front swing seat and watched the sunset. It was a beautiful evening and Miski joined us and lorded over the neighborhood as she always does :) mom and ray arrive this coming Friday! I can't wait!!!

Naval ship open day

Sadly I missed all of Saturdays events but jose was working and I was feeling pretty tired and awful. I didn't want to try to brave the crowd alone either in case the baby decided to come early. But we did go on Sunday to see the naval ships. We toured several, australian ships and the Japanese warship. There was a submarine there too as well as a few helicopters. It was pretty impressive. The Japanese ship was spotless, I mean absolutely pristine, which was in pretty sharp contrast to the other boats. I had a really hard time walking the length of the port and standing around and walking on the ships so no more big outings for me!