Friday, October 31, 2014

Albany Anzac centenary celebrations

The albany Anzac centenary celebrations started yesterday to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the departure of the first fleet of ships from albany to the battlefields of WW1 in 1914. Around 30,000 troops set sail from the harbour here. There are a lot of events in town and today we enjoyed the little markets, food stalls (we got killer bratwurst dogs) and the sunset ceremony at the peace park on the harbour. Apparently about 60,000 tourists have come to enjoy the events which puts us at about 100,000 people in town overall! It's a tad crowded! At 38 weeks pregnant today I definitely found it challenging to waddle around out there :)

Tamarillos and Halloween

I bought a young tamarillo tree a few years ago now and figured it just wasn't going to bear fruit but today I found lots of tiny fruit starting to grow!!! So exciting! Also it is Halloween here which is not celebrated much in Oz, such s shame. So happy Halloween everyone!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Forlorn Miski

Miski has been looking awfully sad and dejected these days. I think she knows something is up and is feeling my restlessness and apprehension as my due date approaches. She came and put her sweet little fuzzy muzzle on my belly this morning which was so cute :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Painting the fence

Hooray! I've been wanting to paint our side gates and fence since we moved in here over two years ago. Jose had a burst of energy this afternoon and did a great job of it. It looks fantastic and nice and new again! We also got our taxes done and only have a few more major things to take care of (just to make life easier) before baby arrives; changing faucets in the kitchen and bathroom and getting carpets cleaned. Yay!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pretty day

Last night we got Thai food again, which was delicious as usual. We shared some golden bags (sort of like dumplings) and I got laksa and jose had jungle curry. Yum! Today was quite pretty with dramatic clouds, though a tad windy. We did our Saturday food shopping as usual though I got tired rapidly. Then we sat in our front swing seat and enjoyed the beautiful day!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wind farm

I'm now 37 weeks (heavily and uncomfortably) pregnant. I can't believe that there's only 3 weeks (give or take of course) left. I'm trying to still get up and around for walks but it's getting harder and harder to waddle around these days. We took Miski to the wind farm for a walk which was nice :)

Car seat

Well it's official - we have everything we need for when baby comes home. We just got our car seat fitted professionally which was the last item we needed. It's so weird seeing a car seat in the car! Poor Miski has been banished to the way way back of the car and she doesn't like that very much. Oh well! Jose has had a few days off of work and enjoyed some cuddles with moo :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lazy weekend in bed

Since this weekend was so yucky weather wise we ended up spending most of it cuddled in bed. Miski enjoyed the rare treat thoroughly!!

Jose's soccer event

Jose has been playing soccer in town and loving it of course. Their season had ended and they held a trophy and auction dinner event. It was lovely but I fade fast these days so we didn't stay the whole time. Jose looked very dapper in his suit :)

Babushka Miski and laksa

We've had several cold, windy, rainy days and Miski prefers to be covered up on days like that. I thought she was so cute the other night when she burrowed under the blanket and came our looking like a babushka. On another night we couldn't be bothered cooking so jose got us some Thai food and my laksa was heaven! Now I want laksa every day!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Garage sale, naps and roses

Last night jose made an awesome dinner of BBQ'd beef rissoles and veggie salad. Baby had a party in my belly last night too-felt like he was playing the drums. We slept in today and hit a big garage sale this morning. Got a diaper pail and a few other items we were missing which was awesome. Then I had a nice long nap and jose picked some of our amazingly fragrant roses. The house smells so good now! Wish the weekend wasn't almost over!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy 4th bday Miski! (And happy 4 year anniversary of our move to OZ)

Man what a week. I am in struggle town these days now that I'm so heavily pregnant that I waddle everywhere and never get any decent sleep. Anyway enough complaining for me. Today 10/10/14 is Miski's 4th birthday! So of course we made her a doggy cake and wrapped a toy and some treats for her. She loves to open presents :) and today is the 4th anniversary of our arrival in australia. Pretty amazing right? And today I am 35 weeks pregnant...eep! I'm hoping for a very relaxing weekend :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Spring flowers

Our flowers are in bloom! The roses have started and so have a lot of the cool native species we have. It's so colourful in our garden right now. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Woah rain

We had a mellow movie night last night which was lovely though transcendence made me weep hysterically which I will blame on my raging hormones and then free birds was petty dumb. Anyway today we slept in late and then hit a few garage sales and took Miski for a lovely walk at the beach. Unfortunately at the end of our walk it started to rain pretty hard so we were soaked by the time we reached the car. Miski was not impressed. Jose is out playing soccer and I think he's nuts because it is absolutely pouring this afternoon! Above are shots of the crazy rain and a video which will hopefully upload correctly. I've never seen our patio that wet, the water has come up almost to the house!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Nice weekend

It's a beautiful weekend so far! Which is great because the forecast wasn't so hot and last weekend was pretty blah weather wise. We got up early today and grabbed local milk, strawberries and eggs at the farmers market. Then we ran a few errands around town, took Miski for a run at the oval and came home to do a few household chores. We took a few pregnancy photos which I'm not ready to share since I am as big as a house these days! After all that we relaxed in the backyard with moo moo and soaked up the sun. Baby has been kicking hard all day as usual. Only a bit over 5 weeks to go!