Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Teasing Miski

Miskis trainer suggested we hang a bone for her outside to keep her occupied and entertained. We hung a turkey bone outside and she had a blast trying to get at it. She eventually got it down and devoured it. Very cute watching her enjoy her treat.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

point posession heritage trail

We had a nice weekend though it rained a lot Saturday. I did some prenatal yoga at home and we watched some movies and such. Today we decided to make the most of the nice weather in the morning and walked the point posession heritage trail. We even saw a pod of dolphins! Miski had a blast too. Got back just in time for the rains to start up.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pulled pork

I have always wanted to make pulled pork at home because it's one of my favorite things ever and it's hard to find over here. Plus when I do find it it's never quite the same as back in so cal. So I finally gave it a go and it was sooooo good! And easy! I'll be making it often from now on I'm sure. I combined several recipes from online to get all the best flavors. :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Warm sunny day

Despite weather predictions for wind and rain we had another beautiful day here. Hope they last! Caught jose and Miski rolling around in the grass outside which was too cute not to capture :)

Ridiculously cute baby costumes

I got these two unbelievably cute baby outfits (for photo shoots) on etsy and can't wait to try them on baby when he arrives :) he'll be here just in time for turkey day...hence the turkey outfit and the reindeer is of course for Xmas. Some might find it silly but I think it's fun :)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Belgian waffles

The real kind! Jose made us authentic Belgian waffles this morning which was such a treat! I slept like a rock last night and today we did some planting, organising, cleaning/fixing, and painting (bassinet and bookshelf). I'm definitely nesting. Very productive day!

Birthing classes

We went to our first birthing class today and my pregnant friend and her partner came too which was great. We learned a lot and then walked to the top of monkey rock and down to the beach afterwards. It was stunning!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Bald head hike

I haven't had a chance to post about our weekend away in margaret river for my bday/babymoon :) we had a blast and will post photos soon. Today was a beautiful day and we hiked only a very small portion of bald head because I am waddling now that I'm nearly 6 months prego. No whales sadly but it was lovely. Afterwards we grabbed lunch at frenchys and had my favorite desert there: sticky date pudding to die for. Heaven!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Protea flowers

Some of our beautiful protea flowers! So weird they bloom in winter.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My two cuties

It is so hard to leave the house when they snuggle like this! How cute

Monday, July 7, 2014

Jose is home!

Finally! Jose is home after 8 very long weeks. We had terrible weather today but he still got here safe and sound. He also got to see the size of my bump and feel the baby kicking! We went out for a celebratory dinner at a local steakhouse. I got steak and ribs and he got a gigantic porterhouse. So yummy!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Amazing eagle quilt

My neighbour is back down for a few days and bless her heart she fed me and let me use her laundry machine since ours is out for repairs with no end in sight. Never use southern electrics here-not only are they incredibly rude but they are extremely slow. Anyway she showed me a quilt she and her friend had finished of a bald eagle. It is stunning. Each tiny piece was cut by hand, ironed on, and free stitched. Talk about a labour of love.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Grandma to be!

Mom sent these adorable pics today of her 'practicing' to be a grandma. Of course she hardly needs practice since she's already the best mom ever. She's making baby a little sea themed mobile which is going to be so cute!! Thanks mom!