Saturday, May 31, 2014

Billies birthday

I had grand ideas about what I would accomplish today. Well I did none of them. Oh well. I did go to billies bday BBQ at emu point which was really fun. It was seriously cold though! I can't believe they went paddle boarding. Braver ladies than me-one is even 78!!! Happy birthday Billie!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Another walk

I seem to say this a lot but TGIF for real! What a tough and busy week. And we have a 3 day weekend! Yay! I was able to finally get out for a good hour walk just as the sun was setting. All the critters were out like a heron on the water, doves, bandicoots and humanoids of course. Did a bunch of errands in prep for a friends bday party tomorrow. Here's hoping the weather is nice tomorrow so I can go to the beach in the morning :)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Black and white cockatoo

took a little walk by the hospital on Friday and heard this weird bird call and then saw this amazing black and white cockatoo. I've never seen one like that before or heard of it so I looked it up. It's either an endangered carnaby's or baudin's cockatoo but I couldn't see it's beak well enough to tell. Second pic is one I found online that shows it's markings better. Amazing!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rerun-Ellen cove walk

I've been walking this trail a lot lately. It takes about an hour, has stunning views, and is close by. It was another beautiful day and with winter looming I want to take advantage of any dry days! Miski and I saw several cute little bandicoots along the walk too. Adorable :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Jose's first barra!

Jose went fishing at the cuttings today up in derby with some mates and caught his very first barramundi! He's over the moon and will be eating well tonight. Wish I could have some!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday afternoon walk

I'm so glad the weekend is here. Seriously. Jose is away again and the weather has been gross and rainy. I tried waking yesterday with Nat but we ended up getting bucketed on soon after we started. Such a bummer. Managed to take a long walk this afternoon with just a bit of drizzle. Miski was thrilled of course and we saw a huge ship pulling into port too. Pretty cool.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rainbow and dinner in freo

During our stroll we saw the most amazing rainbow! Then we grabbed a bite at a Mexican place. I had fish tacos and a salad. Yum! Jose left this morning for derby which is heart breaking.

Strolling around Fremantle

Yesterday after my conference ended jose and I took a stroll on the waterfront. Sadly it was very windy and cold so we didn't stay long. We thought about eating at little creatures but it was so dirty in there that we decided to pass. We ended up doing some window shopping before dinner. 

Cute Miski and trip to perth

After a whirlwind start to the week that left me breathless, jose and I said goodbye to little moo moo (left her with aunty Nat) and headed up to Perth on Wednesday. We flew and it was the WORST and most terrifying flight ever. I am horrified that I have to fly back on Sunday. I hate the prop plane they have. Anyway we did eventually made it and it was pouring and very stormy. Grabbed dinner at the hotel (meh) and passed out. I went to my conference today which was great and Jose explored Fremantle. Too bad he has to leave tomorrow!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Vancouver markets and Miski

The weather has gone cold and dreary already. Boo. Anyway after a rather lacklustre week at work jose and I went to a good friends house for dinner Friday night. It was so much fun! Today we went to the Vancouver markets (inaugural one) and got some good food and a few crafts and then took Miski to the park. She chased the birds and took a dip in the stinky pond. Jose has to go back up to derby which is such a bummer. Oh well!