Sunday, March 30, 2014

Pretty skies and roos

It was rainy this whole weekend so we had a lot of beautiful rainbows! Also got a few snaps of the cutest kangaroos :)

Taste of great southern lunch

Today I went with friends to the taste of great southern lunch event at forest hill winery. Stunning property and a lot of the food was nice. The best dishes were the ceviche starter, the lamb loaf main and sweet potato and macadamia bake, and the passionfruit tart. Those were amazing. I was disappointed that the three lady chefs didn't actually cook though. Seems a bit if a rip off. One of the chefs is married to luc longley who played basketball in the states! (Timberwolves, bulls, suns and nicks). He was at the lunch and absolutely towered over everyone at 7'2. Unreal!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Earlier this week Nat and I grabbed our favorite burger at chicha. Seriously amazing! That evening we had a beautiful sky outside our home. I'm now down for the count with a nasty cold and missing jose even more. At least he comes home soon.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Walking Ellen cove

I finally managed to peel myself out of bed at 11am today. I've been so tired lately and this week was a long hard one. Took Miski for a long walk at Ellen cove today. Poor thing has been so bored. It was a lovely walk and now i am stuffing my face with a giant, delicious chicha burger. Yummo

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sunday stroll

For some reason I slept terribly last night. Today I've taken it easy, done some yoga and talked to friends and family back home :) I'm missing home a lot this weekend. Today the weather is much better than yesterday, less wind and a bit warmer, so Nat and I grabbed a burger in town and took a stroll on the boardwalk. So nice!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Strawberries and cream

Another work week gone and started off the weekend well by having dinner with some lovely friends. I got a beautiful lamb and quinoa salad dish and then had to try the strawberries and cream desert. I didn't expect it to be deconstructed but it was so yummy. It had cream, toasted marshmallow, candied macadamia nuts, strawberries and basil sorbet. Delish!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Ledge beach

Man this week felt so long even though it was actually a short one with the long weekend. So I pretty well collapsed on Friday night. Today I woke up early and did 90 min of yoga (hard!) and then took poor bored Miski to ledge beach. She was over the moon :) then I did a bunch of errands and flopped on the couch

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Oyster eating contest

I can't believe it. We put our names in to do the oyster eating contest and Sheree got picked! So much fun. She totally won by my video but they have the prize to someone else :( anyway we then got to snack on the leftover oysters. What a gourmet feast! All the oysters were local from albany and delicious. Then I got to take a picture with Poh! I watch her cook on tv and jose and I have tried and loved many of her recipes. So weird to meet someone you've seen on tv. And she's just as nice in person as I knew she'd be. Lovely and down to earth and beautiful!

Oyster and bush tucker festival

Well it has been a busy weekend I have to say. Another long and disheartening work week followed by drinks at three anchors with friends on Friday night to say farewell to a few coworkers who are leaving us :( then Saturday we visited a friend in hospital and went to the festival. So much fun!!! We did some wine tasting and bush tucker sampling and got a few bottles to go with out emu sausage, croc burger, lemon myrtle fries and damper with lemon myrtle butter. Food was so so but the damper was awesome. And there were some celebrity chefs (one was Poh) there doing demonstrations!