Thursday, October 31, 2013

Carport painted

It's been a busy week so far filled with plumbing fixes, door fixes, attempts to tame my garden, cleaning house and planting veggies and actually having a social life and exercising. Fun but the repairs took it right our of me this week. Always happens when jose is out of town. Anyway a car company came to paint our carport because an oil change gone wrong left a stain the size of a car on our driveway. They were lovely and fixed it right away. And now it looks even better than before!!! After that today I went and had tea (dinner) with my lovely neighbour. Always such a pleasure. And TGIF!

New taps

My personal fear is always plumbing issues. Well our toilet was stuffed and one sink was draining slowly the water was brown and our shower taps were leaking. Eep! Lucky for us a lovely Scottish bloke came and sorted all that out in an hour! Brilliant. And we got new shiny taps and shower head to boot. So feeling better now that's done and the roofs fixed and I'm almost done fixing the front door. I swear it is never ending. I only wish I had never ending time and money to sort it all out because I actually enjoy doing it. Next project either outside or laundry room I think...

Amazing Stirling range flower

I thought the purple spines were the flower but the ends opened up!!! How amazing is that?!? So beautiful

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pretty mt Clarence

Took a walk up mt Clarence again. So stunning. Miski was very happy :) sunset is from the house

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beautiful walk

Today started off drizzly but it sure turned out to be beautiful later! Nat and I took Miski for a nice hike up mt Clarence where work is being done to get it ready for Anzac Day next year.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Beautiful native flowers

Flowers are here! Top one is a ground cover with amazing flowers. Next one is a rare flower native to the Stirling ranges north of albany. Then a rose cone flower that I find particularly enchanting and finally the incredible blue flowers native to albany. I love the plants here.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Tomato planting season

It's yet another wet weekend. Boo. I did get a bit of gardening in though and planted four heirloom tomato varieties. I have two Black Russians, two tigarelle, two mortgage savers and two yellow cherry. I also planted two Roma's, two grosse lisse's, and two beefsteaks. I hope they do well!!! I also put in some dahlias for some colour and took a pic of the tiny baby limes that have started to form. Yay!

Mt Melville hike

Nat and I went on a wonderful hike this morning up mt Melville. So beautiful! And Miski loved the walk and the beautiful views from the tower. And look at the crazy phallic rock we found. TGIF Yay weekend!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Macarons and demo

A coworker made these amazing macarons for everyone today. So beautiful! And yummy!!! Also they are tearing down the old hospital now which is very surreal.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My cuties

Yesterday morning Miski knew jose was leaving and tried to make him stay by sitting on him. We both miss him so much.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


So jose left today for derby again. This will be the last time hopefully. I already miss him so much. So today I'm bored without him. I put up some sheers in the second guest room. Hopefully will get some curtains for it soon too :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oh my gawd yum!

Jose threw together this awesome feast tonight. Beautiful lamb cutlets and yam, zucchini and salad. So good!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Monte carlos

After painting all day we were starving so I made spag bog (spaghetti/sauce in aussie) and jose made monte carlos cookies. They were unreal! So addictive.

Painting second guest room

Spent all day painting the second guest room. Primed it first and I kind of love the grey but we already have a ton of grey in the house. So turquoise it is!!! A few touch ups tomorrow and then we can rearrange! Yay!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fixing up the house

Well we've been fixing up the house again little by little. Finished up some painting and got an old and slightly hideous side table. Best part is we got a new light for the hallway and our bedroom!! So much better :) and yet so much more to go! Ugh.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Amazing flowers

Well my garden is mostly in bloom. I'm not sure if some of my roses will make it but others are doing really well! And my proteas are looking amazing.

Ledge beach

It was nice this morning so we took Miski to the beach. She was over the moon! Yesterday she felt neglected because we did errands all morning and then had lunch with Nat and dinner with our neighbours. So fun!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bartender jose

After working in the garden we took a break and had a drink on our almost finished front deck. So nice.