Sunday, March 31, 2013

painting the dresser

finally got around to getting the first coat of flame red paint on the old dresser i sanded and primed a while back.  i think it's looking great. few more coats and then i can find it a spot in the house :)

out for an easter sunday walk

it's a beautiful easter sunday today and i've slept in, done laundry, cleaned up a bit, and then decided to take miski for an hour and a half walk from the house to the park and back.  it was really lovely. not too hot, nice light breeze, and not too many people out. the park and pond were beautiful and miski took a little dip. she's exhausted now which is great :) on the way i passed by the humongous hibiscus tree down the road from us. it is unbelievable. 

photogenic miski

miski was so cute yesterday on her bed in the sun. i had to take some snaps. she's so photogenic.  also took a pic of the little flowers that have bloomed on the shade plant mona lavender in the back.  they're really beautiful.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

roly poly

A very happy Miski rolling in the grass at the oval :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Sunny Saturday

Have had a lazy Saturday. Had tea with a neighbour and then made my new favourite chicken larb salad. Miski and I have been lying in the sun, watching the birds fly by. I want to go get more plants but I just can't be bothered going anywhere. Wish jose was here with me

Happy long weekend

Well it's the long Easter weekend and I'm so happy to have a break. Wish it was a week off like in the schools in the US. Anyway had friends over in the morning for brunch and mimosas. It was a beautiful day and I napped through most of the afternoon. Then my lovely neighbors had me over for dinner which was delicious.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Beautiful Sunday

Sunday was so pretty that I spent a large chunk of it in the hammock looking at the sky and garden. Made sun tea which was the perfect addition. Miski stood in a corner for some reason. I think she wants her own hammock :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

More plants and garage cleaning

I have a million projects that I want to do and a few that really need to get done but I decided to plant more. Poor jose is so annoyed about that. But I put in some Gerber daisies and a lime tree and lemon basil and spring onions. I also got a few shade plants for the pots under the patio. I think it looks pretty great if I do say so myself. Still doing battle with the caterpillars and snails sadly. Also set up a workout mat in the garage.


Have had a lot of rain lately and so my laundry is piling up. I finally decided to figure out this ridiculous laundry line thing. Took a while but I got it set up and used it! Pretty great. Then I sat in the hammock and took a rest, smelling the clean clothes. It was lovely.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chicken Larb salad

Saw this recipe online and had to try it for lunch. We had all the ingredients and many of them were from our garden! It was really yummy and we enjoyed it on our patio :)


We got this gym unit free today from our local classified ads. Jose is stoked and he also hung up my punching bag. So no excuses now :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cookies and resting

We made chocolate chip cookies because i had a craving for something from back home. They are SO good! Then a pic of Jose enjoying his handiwork in the back yard and then me still recovering but with the help of cuddly Miski. She really is so spoiled.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Patio done and happy Miski

Jose powered through the rest of the patio today. All that's left is to hang up the hammock and get a brick cutter for the hard to fit pieces. It is so great-more than double the space. Miski got a special big bone today to enjoy. She was very happy :)

Working on the patio

Jose has been a champ while I've been flat on my back sneezing and coughing. He's almost finished paving the back patio. It looks great and is so much better than before and more room for Miski to play too :) last pic is of our very own home grown spinach that we had in a salad recently. It was great!

My two puppies

How cute are Miski and jose! I love this photo and the very contented look on her face :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

beautiful sunset

we had a beautiful sunset last night and i could not resist taking a few pictures. miski is so lucky that the window goes all the way to the floor and she watched all the birds fly over the house on their way home or wherever they go at sunset.  i love our view. more photos here